Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Best Web Site EVER!

Thanks to Mike and Kristina, I have found the new best website EVER!


It's affiliated with theknot, you may be familiar with that. (Terri I know you are!)

I'm on there: amamommy

I've posted some BIO, and I love going on the msg boards and asking questions about things that are happening, or NOT happening to me. Keeps me busy! :)


  1. it IS great! I frequent "the nest" now, which is like "after" the knot :)

    I was going to recommend the bump to you - I think I may have recommended it to you when you & andy had been trying for so long - theres a lot of gals on there that went through the same thing that you guys dealt with.

  2. You may have...I must not have retained the information! HAHA! Glad it's there!
