Thursday, December 11, 2008

2nd try with injections

I went to have my baseline u/s yesterday. Dr. H started off by saying that if I'm not pregnant this time we'll try once more maybe and then move on to a different medication. That puts me at such ease. I'd rather keep moving than keep trying and failing over and over and over. Which is what it feels like. But in reality...we did Clomid and IUI 3 times, and this will be our 2nd try with FSH injections and IUI. Hopefully, as always, this time it works! My u/s was nice, everything looked like it was supposed to. At this point their looking for cysts that may have formed, and I didn't have any. So I went for my bloodwork and start injections tonight if that comes back okay. About 10 days of these injections give or take, and then I'll head back in for another u/s to see what's cookin'! Then back to waiting to see if things worked out this cycle. Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. fingers are being kept crossed!!!! its good to know that if this medication does not work they're going to try something else - thats good to hear there is a next step.
