Saturday, December 6, 2008

I feel completely defeated.

I definately got my period. Can't we ever win?

I'm waiting and waiting, just to be disappointed once again. It hurts more each time. It feels like I have no chance of ever becoming pregnant. I can't deal with this much longer.

But I will do whatever it takes.


  1. ugh. my heart just dropped. i'm not going to say i'm sorry, you don't want to hear that - I don't want to say it, I can't EVEN comprehend what ou are going through.

    but all i can say is, good. fight. stay positive. (so easy to say, hard to do...)

    what did the dr. say about it? what did they expect to happen/plan of action for next time? are you still going to be taking the same level of drug in your shots for next month?

    it f-ing sucks. ugh. :(

  2. I'll go Monday most likely for a baseline u/s and then we'll see if it's ok to start the injections again. I'm not sure if she'll start me higher because she did increase me before...who knows. When I know, you'll know! :)
