Is when we're visiting friends or family with babies. Especially Andy's brother. Don't get me wrong we LOVE our niece and are so excited to watch her grow and be there every step of the way. But watching Andy hold her and play with her and totally fall in's very difficult. Then we go home, or they leave or whatever, and he starts saying how much he wants his own child. Talk about a shock to the heart. I get so emotional when that happens. We can only keep trying, and that's what we're doing. Hopefully this is our time and if not, hopefully not too much longer.
Also, when we don't get included because we don't have a child yet. Tonight is Halloween and they're invited to Andy's parents for dinner, because Hannah will be in costume, and we weren't invited. It happens a lot. Not cool.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Hard Part
Yeah, this is the hard part. Waiting. Again and again!
It's been 3 days since my IUI and we've had sex many times, on top of we do everytime around ovulation! So if this is our time, and we really believe it could be, then things are already set in place.
Fertilization takes place withing 24 hours of the egg being released from the ovary. The hCg shot makes me ovulate within 30-40 hours after the shot, so they do the IUI at a certain time because of that...and then we just have intercourse for the next few days to give us more of a chance...that's the fun part! If the egg dropped when it was supposed to and the sperm met the egg, it should fertilize in the fallopian tube and then withing 3 days travel to the uterus and implant around 6 days after ovulation. That's what they say anyhow. So hopefully my egg was met by a lucky sperm and fertilized and is making it's way to my uterine lining where it makes itself comfy and then grows into a baby!
I really hope that this time it's meant to be! If not, we'll be talking about what to do next...and I'll be continuing this infertility blog...if so, I'll post once more and then maybe change the name or start a new blog!
Please keep your fingers crossed!
It's been 3 days since my IUI and we've had sex many times, on top of we do everytime around ovulation! So if this is our time, and we really believe it could be, then things are already set in place.
Fertilization takes place withing 24 hours of the egg being released from the ovary. The hCg shot makes me ovulate within 30-40 hours after the shot, so they do the IUI at a certain time because of that...and then we just have intercourse for the next few days to give us more of a chance...that's the fun part! If the egg dropped when it was supposed to and the sperm met the egg, it should fertilize in the fallopian tube and then withing 3 days travel to the uterus and implant around 6 days after ovulation. That's what they say anyhow. So hopefully my egg was met by a lucky sperm and fertilized and is making it's way to my uterine lining where it makes itself comfy and then grows into a baby!
I really hope that this time it's meant to be! If not, we'll be talking about what to do next...and I'll be continuing this infertility blog...if so, I'll post once more and then maybe change the name or start a new blog!
Please keep your fingers crossed!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Could it be...3rd Time's the Charm??????
So this is my 3rd try...the Clomid at 150 mg worked once again! I have a nice follicle in my left ovary...and my doctor says that things are consistent so there's no reason this shouldn't work! The reason in may not have worked thus far is unclear, but we're going to meet in a couple weeks to set a plan of what to do next if this doesn't work out. It might just be that my body doesn't agree with what we're doing, and may need a little more to help it along. But let's think I always try to do...and maybe this third time is the charm!
This was also my first visit to the Fertility Dr. without Andy at my side. It's ok...I think his presence makes it harder for me sometimes. Whether it's good or bad news, I get all emotional if he's there googling at me! Hahaha. It's nice to have him there, being a part of everything, and up to this point it's been awesome that his job is so flexible in allowing him to go. But it's getting busy for him and he's gotta be able to drop off his sample on Friday morning, and that's way more important than him sitting next to me for a five minute u/s appt.!
So tomorrow I go in for my hCg shot, which will release my egg in the next 24 or so hours...and then I go Friday at noon for another IUI...hopefully this time it's meant to be! I'm so ready for this!
So this is my 3rd try...the Clomid at 150 mg worked once again! I have a nice follicle in my left ovary...and my doctor says that things are consistent so there's no reason this shouldn't work! The reason in may not have worked thus far is unclear, but we're going to meet in a couple weeks to set a plan of what to do next if this doesn't work out. It might just be that my body doesn't agree with what we're doing, and may need a little more to help it along. But let's think I always try to do...and maybe this third time is the charm!
This was also my first visit to the Fertility Dr. without Andy at my side. It's ok...I think his presence makes it harder for me sometimes. Whether it's good or bad news, I get all emotional if he's there googling at me! Hahaha. It's nice to have him there, being a part of everything, and up to this point it's been awesome that his job is so flexible in allowing him to go. But it's getting busy for him and he's gotta be able to drop off his sample on Friday morning, and that's way more important than him sitting next to me for a five minute u/s appt.!
So tomorrow I go in for my hCg shot, which will release my egg in the next 24 or so hours...and then I go Friday at noon for another IUI...hopefully this time it's meant to be! I'm so ready for this!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
2nd Failure
So it didn't work this time either.
I really thought this was gonna be it! I know it's still just the beginning of trying this method, but still, I've gotta have hope. It's all I've got.
I spotted early this past Weds. and then didn't have anything on Thursday the whole I thought maybe it was implantation spotting. I got a little excited. And then Friday came along and I was crushed.
My cycle was only 27 days this time. Weird. Annoying.
I start the Clomid again tomorrow and we start over again for this cycle. Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm.
I really thought this was gonna be it! I know it's still just the beginning of trying this method, but still, I've gotta have hope. It's all I've got.
I spotted early this past Weds. and then didn't have anything on Thursday the whole I thought maybe it was implantation spotting. I got a little excited. And then Friday came along and I was crushed.
My cycle was only 27 days this time. Weird. Annoying.
I start the Clomid again tomorrow and we start over again for this cycle. Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Waiting Game
Yes, that is all this is, a waiting game.
When I got my period I had to wait 2 weeks to see if there were any follicles, now that there was a follicle, and we had the insemination done, we have to wait again, 2 MORE weeks to either get my period and start all over could be that things worked!
One week down, and I started breaking out a few days ago, usually I break out, all on my face before I start menstruating, so poo, if that mean that I'm getting my period. I'm hopeful that I've just got adult acne issues or something...and it worked!
When I got my period I had to wait 2 weeks to see if there were any follicles, now that there was a follicle, and we had the insemination done, we have to wait again, 2 MORE weeks to either get my period and start all over could be that things worked!
One week down, and I started breaking out a few days ago, usually I break out, all on my face before I start menstruating, so poo, if that mean that I'm getting my period. I'm hopeful that I've just got adult acne issues or something...and it worked!
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