Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lyla is Letting Us In...

Lyla has always been a "loner" playing by herself while the others play together on the other side of the room. That turned into playing alongside her siblings, with something different than them, but nearby. Recently she's been attempting to interact with them, but usually goes about it physically, and therefore not getting the result she really wants, but attention nonetheless so she continues and seems to find it funny. 

Lyla in her space.

Last night she went and got out a bag of tiny figurines, mostly Disney characters, something she's always gravitated towards. She sat down in the middle of the living room, dumped the bag and started playing on her own. Everyone else was doing their own things at this moment as well, and then Noah decided he'd like to play with the figurines too. He went over to the pile, and grabbed what he wanted and Lyla, though not playing with that particular one, didn't like that. As you can imagine, there was some yelling and grabbing and pushing. Sitting across the room, watching this play out, I knew I'd have to intervene soon, but I just witnessed Lyla using appropriate language, "No! That's MINE! Give it back!" I was sitting there, jaw on my lap, thinking; Did she really just say all that, on her own without prompting? Woah. When she started getting a little physical, swatting and kicking at Noah, I got up and we talked through it, and as much as we wanted her to share and play with her brother, Noah go the short end of the stick and went to play with something else. I can't say I blame him, If some one's kicking at me, I'm out of there.

About 10 minutes later she started making her figurines talk, or was talking to them, not quite sure because it was all jargon. But she was moving them around and lifting them in the air, it was fun to watch. Andy decided he'd try to join in her play. You see, it's not easy for us to just sit and play with Lyla, as we can with the boys and Emmalee, she typically reacts as she did towards Noah, or she'll just get up and go do something else. This time she kept playing.

Lyla letting Daddy in...

She shared toys with her daddy, even imitated what he was doing. Lyla's always had a stronger pull toward adults, so I find it quite appropriate for her to let him in, when she just had a meltdown when her brother tried to play with her. Then, as you can see from the above picture, Owen was making his way into her space. I was taking the pictures, and was sure I'd have to put the camera away and have a teachable moment about sharing with her siblings too, not just with Daddy. But I kept the camera ready just in case...and snapped these: 

She let him in, and he was touching the toys, and talking with her and Andy. It was such an amazing little moment in time, and it only lasted about 3 or 4 minutes, but in our world that's HUGE progress. She's starting to let us in, a little at a time, on her terms. We're figuring out ways in, though they may only work one time, and then not the next.

School really is helping her, she's surrounded by her peers for half of her day, and though most of her language is defensive, and frustrated, it's functional language, she's learning and retaining these phrases, and using them appropriately. I wonder what she'll say next?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Thumbs Up

Lyla has started to give me "thumbs up" daily as the bus drives off to school. I was so excited when she started doing it, she remembered something that I did to try to understand if she was happy or not with whatever it was at the time. For weeks she been doing this now and at my monthly meeting with her team I learned that they've been giving "thumbs up/thumbs down" for healthy choices and I have to say my heart was a tad crushed. Then I realized, it doesn't matter where she picked it up, it's our "thing", just ours, and whether or not she knows what it means, she connects it to our daily routine.

Parts of our routine are starting to spark some language!

Getting Lyla ready for school this morning, I put on her new diaper, 
L: "Munchee" (there's a monkey on her diapers)
Me: "Yes! It's a monkey!" (my back and forth continued like this I'll spare you reading after each one.)
Socks on...L: "Sock.....Sock" 
Pants on...L: "Mittens"
Me: "Mittens? No, these are your pants!" L: "Pants."
Shoes on...L: "Shoe...Shoe."
Stand up to put on shirt...L: "Mittens!!"
Me: "No not mittens, shirt!" L: "SHIRT!"
Lyla runs to the mirror and sizes herself up and down, "Yay!"

These things are so small, yet so HUGE for Lyla. I'm so glad she is getting all her therapies and schooling, I don't know where we'd be today without it.

Thumbs Up!