Saturday, July 19, 2014

Open! Open!

This is one of the few words Lyla is using "almost" functionally right now, unprompted. By "unprompted" I mean I'm not saying it first, she is. "Almost" is because it really wasn't 100% functional but I got it. This has happened a couple times the past couple days, so I need to get it down on paper so I can remember! She came up to me with a toy and said and signed (aggressively I might add) "OPEN! OPEN!" the toy couldn't be opened, but she wanted me to turn it on, obviously. She rarely uses any words functionally and HATES being asked if she wants "More?" she grumbles and refuses to say that word, but even today, she said it, after being prompted if she wanted more watermelon! Small steps!

She's also singing a lot more on her own, she has an amazing memory and I just love it. I will have to ask about music therapy. I think that could open up some doors for communication with her.

Friday, July 18, 2014

What Are a 3 Year Old's Favorite Things?

One of my friends posted her daughter's journal entries that she has them do yearly on their birthday, so I decided that this year I would start that with my kids. Since they can't write yet, I've asked them the questions and jotted their answers as they said them.

Before I share their answers, Owen answered most of the questions unprompted and these are his words. Noah had to be guided a lot more, so some are based on what we know, or what he picked from a few choices. Lyla doesn't answer questions so hers are what I think she would pick.

Things left blank we didn't get an answer for...but it's going to be great to have these to look back on in the future!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3 turn 3!

We are 3!!!
Andy & I cannot believe that these three little miracles are 3 years old already! Sure the days are long, I'm the first to admit it. Being home daily with 4 kids, and 3 of them at the same age, and one of which has special needs and therapists coming in daily, is exhausting. But the months are flying by. Lyla will be starting preschool in the fall! She's getting into an autism program and we are really excited to see her make some huge progress there! Noah & Owen will be staying home with me while their sisters are in school, with only 2 of them in tow we might be able to get out a little bit more in the mornings (hopefully if that's why Lyla has school) for zoo trips, the library and other fun adventures! I foresee this year being a very exciting and fun one!

Noah got a tee-ball set and a baseball mitt! He's going to be our star hitter for sure!

Owen got a bunch of dinosaurs, which he picked out before his birthday. He love all sorts of animals and is in awe of the HUGE dinosaurs!!

Lyla got her very own sleeping bag and a bed tent. The tent will go up soon, but the sleeping bag is already in use! She loves to snuggle up and wrap herself up in blankets, so we thought a sleeping bag would be perfect!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Well...I didn't make it a year, but half way is better than nothing!

Now that summer is upon us, and with our new crazy schedule, I've let the ball drop on this "picture a day" thing. I'm going to just post when I can about whatever moves me, and if I have a photo, great, if not, no biggie!

We celebrated Independence Day this year in our traditional way of going to my parents for a cookout and watching the fireworks from their backyard! Last year we missed out, due to 3/4 kiddos having a bad stomach bug, it was the first time I haven't been at my parents for the 4th! So back to tradition. Every year my parents hem and haw about having people over, and then a week or two before they invite the whole extended family and some friends, who always come! I think there was one year where they were away over the 4th, but we still had a little picnic at their house, even though they weren't there!! (This was before kids!)

This was the triplet's first year awake for the fireworks! We thought for sure we'd have 1 or 2 that would be a little nervous about all the fireworks in the neighborhood, but NOPE, they ALL loved it and were in awe of the bright lights and loud pops! They all stayed up until the show was over, and then Lyla curled up on the floor under a blanket and fell asleep!

What stinks is, I didn't get one single picture. I was too busy chasing kids, socializing and attending to the needs of the kids that I didn't even take my camera out of my bag. We made good memories, and I'm hoping some one snapped a picture for me!!