On Sunday, August 23 we went about our normal day. Had dinner at my parents house, and I was a little uncomfortable, but had been for weeks. I was 36 weeks 4 days along at the time. We went home and lounged on the couch. Andy wanted to play his video game and I wanted to watch tv...so he went in the bedroom and I sat on the couch. I got up and went to the bathroom, so unsatisfying this late in pregnancy, seems like you gotta go so bad, but barely a trickle! I sat back down on the couch and was getting somewhat comfortable and then felt like I was peeing myself! It was 10:30pm...I jumped up off the couch as fast as a nearly 9 month pregnant woman can, and ran to the bathroom. I was peeing again...without knowing it and I couldn't stop it. I was skeptical, because when I stood up it trickled again...without any control! I was freaking out because I didn't want to be peeing my pants for the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. That would suck! I was yelling for Andy to come give me his opinion...he wasn't sure either. I decided to go sit down again and would leak a little more. I called the after hours for my OB and the Dr. on call told me to go to the hospital to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. It was 11pm, we went, sat in triage for awhile, the tested my fluids and contractions were starting. I couldn't really feel them, but they were showing up on the monitor. I was dialated 2cm and after 3 tests the fluid was not showing to be amniotic. So I asked what it could possibly be! They said maybe urine or discharge. Uggg...they had me walk for an hour to see if I'd progress any further than 2cm, nothing. So I got sent home. At 2am we went to bed, Andy had to work in the morning, and I was so upset that I was losing all control of my bodily functions. I got up at 4:30am and had to go to the bathroom, as I did every morning...I stood up and a small gush of fluids trickled down my leg...ugggg. I ran to the bathroom and peed, and was done, but the fluid continued to come. I made Andy come to the bathroom and listen...for over a minute I had a constant leak dripping into the toilet. This was NOT pee! I decided to wait til the Dr's office opened at 8:30 to call and go in and be checked by them. Since the triage people obviously didn't know what they were talking about. I couldn't go back to bed, so I sat on the couch with a towel under me, and started timing my contractions which at this point I could feel a little bit. No pain.
As soon as the clock hit 8:30am I called the office and told the nurse my story and went right in to see my Dr. I waited forever in the waiting room, contractions getting a little stronger and more uncomfortable, but bearable. When I went into the room, I told my Dr. what had happened and said "I'm leaking fluid from my crotch and I can't handle this for 3 more weeks!!!" She laughed and checked. She said it was definately amniotic fluid because she could see it coming from my cervix and pooling. So she sent me back to the hospital to be induced. On the way home to get all our stuff ready, I freaked! It was too early! We weren't ready! I didn't clean the house, or put the car seat in the car! This can't be happening! Our Dr. said to take our time because it'd be awhile before we'd get in. We got to the hospital around 10am or so and got brought to a room pretty soon after.
I was hooked up to monitors and was getting prepped for induction because my contractions weren't coming regularly and I was still at 2cm. I also had to have an IV for penicillan because I hadn't had a Group Beta Strep test to see if I was neg or pos so they just give it to be safe. Our baby girl was coming anytime, I still couldn't believe it! They never checked me since the first visit to the hospital because I was leaking and there is a higher risk for infection, so we just waited. Contractions got stronger and stronger, and I started feeling them more and eventually they decided to check me. I was 5cm and in pain, so I got the epidural. Mind you this is probably 8pm not exactly sure what time...but in the evening. The epidural is GREAT! I told the Dr who gave it to me he was an angel! I was having really intense contractions at this point that were strong and lasted for over a minute...but I couldn't feel a thing!!!! AMAZING! I had lots of visitors throughout my labor and my mother and my sister Suzanna were there til the end. My labor continued throughout the night and into the next morning had many monitors stuck on my and in me and on the baby's head. Around 7am the nurse who was now with me said I should start pushing. So for the next 3 hours I pushed, and took breaks falling asleep for a minute or two at a time, because I hadn't slept at all up til this point. At about 10:15am the next Dr was on call and she came in asking why I hadn't had this baby yet. She said the baby would be here in the next 15 minutes. I did some hardcore pushing at this point and pushed for over that 15 minutes she promised me. My pushing wasn't enough, our little girl got stuck coming out and several nurses came charging into the room and one jumped up on the bed and was over my head pushing down on my stomach. I FREAKED! Andy was pushed aside, no longer by me, and there were very serious concerned voices in the air. She came out at 10:50am on Tuesday, August 25th, crying loud and strong! After that I was calm and waited to hold my little Emmalee Sandra. It was a long 36 hours from the time my water started leaking to the delivery of our Emmalee. She was 7lbs 1oz and 20 inches. For being 3 weeks premature, she was a big premie!!! The most beautiful little girl in the world!
We had to stay in the hospital until Thursday. We were at Highland Hospital and I have to say I really didn't enjoy my experience there. I had one good nurse, but she was there only through the overnight, so we didn't get to talk to her much. The first nurse we had was very secretive almost, not telling us what she was doing to our Emmalee and making us very uncomfortable. She had some sugar issues for the first 24 hours, having her little feet pricked every time she fed. Poor baby. But it recovered and she was doing GREAT! The day we left she was 6lbs 12oz and by the next day at her first Dr. appt she was back up to 7lbs 1oz! Most babies take a week or 2 to get back up to their birth weight! We have a healthy baby on our hands!
It's 2 months later now and she's amazing! She is 10lbs 1oz and 22 1/4 inches. She is making eye contact and smiling and starting to have a laugh. She coos all the time and we have 5-10min conversations! I love being a mom for sure and am so blessed to have a husband that works hard so that I can stay home and enjoy every minute of every day with her!