Today we had an ultrasound. I am 13 weeks along today, and we opted to have a Nuchal Translucency Scan (NT Scan). This scan is done before 14 weeks to give expecting parents a ratio of the chances their child that they are carrying may have Downs Syndrome. I was not at high risk for this, but wanted to have it, just to know, and also to get a look at how Baby is doing in there.
The u/s was amazing! The little Cookie Monster (our new nickname) was moving around and has grown SOOOO much! We also got to hear the heart beat again, this time it was LOUD AND CLEAR! It actually sounded like a heart beat! Amazing! The rate was 143 bpm. The scan showed that our chances of our baby having Downs is 1 in 10,000 which is slim to none. So that's GREAT! It was nice to see thing are progressing nicely so far since I don't FEEL anything yet. I really can't wait for that to start!
The only thing that sucked about our u/s today was the Tech. She was such a crotch! I don't know what her problem was, but she seemed like she didn't want to be there. She knew that this was a new experience for us and yet she didn't even tell us what we were looking at. We had to ask her a million questions. HELLO! You're doing one of the most amazing jobs in the world...and you have to be UGLY?!?! GOD! Thank goodness we're so excited about our baby, I could care less about that lady. I'm going to request to see anyone else BUT her from now on. Hopefully we can do that!
My mom is going to announce at school this week or early next that I'm expecting and she's going to be a Grandma! So that'll be exciting, especially because I'm now doing a long-term for the next couple months! YAY! We've already told everyone else there is to tell! HA! We're bad at secrets! Our next u/s is scheduled for 4/20 and we're hoping (though it's not priority) to find out what we're having! :) eek!