Wow...guess I'm not as religious about posting now that I'm busy with Emmalee! That's ok...periodically I'll update!
Today's a good day to do that!
Emmalee will be 5 months old in about a week! The past 3 months have FLOWN by! All the holidays were so much fun with her! She was the center of attention and we loved it! I can't believe that it's 2010 already!
She's 25 inches tall and weighs just over 14lbs! She's doing great in her growth and development says the Doc! She hasn't rolled over yet, but almost did last night! She's jumping her her jumperoo and loves grabbing things with her hands and put them in her mouth! She's starting the teething process, drooling everywhere and always gumming her fingers and anything that gets near her mouth! She won't start having signs of teeth for a few more months though. She's started wearing 3-6 month clothing! We decided to start introducing cereal so that we can take our time and get her used to it. It starts out very watered down and then we'll thicken it up as the weeks progress. Around 6 months or when she's starting to take down oatmeal consistency the Doc said we could introduce fruits, veggis and meats! How exciting!
I LOVE being home with her! She's starting to interact more with me, so we've got a lot of bonding going on! I love spending my days with her, though when she's napping I'm starting to lose interest in cleaning...haha...but before I know it we'll be planning her 1st birthday!