Thursday, January 27, 2011

My heart is racing! And so are theirs!

Today we got to see our little Trio again! They're all there, healthy and growing right on! We got to hear their little heartbeats too! It was just amazing!

I am overwhelemed with how real this is! It was such an initial shock, and then as the news settled, we just knew this was meant to be! I was terrified that something was going to be wrong, but nope, they're growing strong!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

BIG surprise!

Thursday was my first ultrasound. Andy and Emmalee joined me! We were watching the screen and my RE was saying, have you talked at all about having twins?? Because it looks like there's two here! She kept trying to get both of them on the screen at the same time. She finally did, and then we were all looking, and oh, wait a minute, there's another one! TRIPLETS!!!!!!!!!????????????? We fathomed the idea of having twins, it'd be a huge adjustment, but doable. I was very anxious about this u/s because of the fact there could be more than one, but more than 2?! That's just insane! But low and behold, three sacs, three heartbeats, three little blueberries measuring right on track! Holy Moly! We were just in shock. Everyone that knew we were expecting now knows that there are 3... there is so much that can happen, but the more support the better! Especially with 3! I still can't get my mind around it! But am getting more excited by the day! I really can't wait to start seeing the OB! I will most likely be seeing a high-risk specialist OB, which is important with triplets! I'm freaking out! EEEKKKK!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am always anxious, but really anxious this time! My first u/s is Thursday, seems like it's taken forever to get here!!! Only 2 more days of waiting! Then we'll see our little raspberry!! I can't wait! Hopefully we can see a flicker and maybe even hear the heartbeat thru the super u/s machine they have at the RE!

I just called up Unity OB/Gyn to see if they're accepting new patients, and they are!! So it'll be nice and close! And we'll deliver at Parkridge! I am also anxious about going to a new doc! Not that every month with Emmalee's pregnancy I didn't see a different person, cuz that's exactly how it was! Here it might be a little nicer, seeing just one or two ppl!!

Emmalee is picking up on the new baby. I'll ask her where the baby is, she'll point to my belly and sometimes even give it a kiss! I can't wait til I actually start showing! That'll be an amazing photo!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It worked!!

I'm pregnant!
We found on on Tuesday Dec 28th, I took a home pregnancy test and I got two pink lines!!! I was shocked! I made Andy stop at the drugstore and bring home a couple more to make sure! When he got home, I took those, all positive! We told our parents and siblings right away that night...went and visited who we could! We put Emmalee in a "BIG SISTER" tshirt and had them take off her coat. It was great!

I had bloodwork Weds to confiorm I was pregnant, came back positive and hCg at a good level-161. So we decided to share with everyone who came to our NYE party on Friday. We put Emmalee in her shirt again and as ppl noticed we shared our joy!

This week I had 2 beta's take, bloodwork on Monday and Wednesday to make sure that my hCg levels are doubling. Monday it was 1197 and Weds it was 3189, more than doubling! So our next step is an ultrasound at 7 weeks to check out the little bean and see if we've got one or more in there! And hopefully we can see the little flickering heart beat!

We are so excited and so blessed that this only took us 4 cycles! Everything with our insurance changing, it couldn't have worked out better, other than being able to just conceive on our own!! I feel so lucky!

So I'm a little over 5 weeks pregnant, our baby is the size of a poppyseed and we are on our journey to becoming a family of 4!!!