I'm pregnant!
We found on on Tuesday Dec 28th, I took a home pregnancy test and I got two pink lines!!! I was shocked! I made Andy stop at the drugstore and bring home a couple more to make sure! When he got home, I took those, all positive! We told our parents and siblings right away that night...went and visited who we could! We put Emmalee in a "BIG SISTER" tshirt and had them take off her coat. It was great!
I had bloodwork Weds to confiorm I was pregnant, came back positive and hCg at a good level-161. So we decided to share with everyone who came to our NYE party on Friday. We put Emmalee in her shirt again and as ppl noticed we shared our joy!
This week I had 2 beta's take, bloodwork on Monday and Wednesday to make sure that my hCg levels are doubling. Monday it was 1197 and Weds it was 3189, more than doubling! So our next step is an ultrasound at 7 weeks to check out the little bean and see if we've got one or more in there! And hopefully we can see the little flickering heart beat!
We are so excited and so blessed that this only took us 4 cycles! Everything with our insurance changing, it couldn't have worked out better, other than being able to just conceive on our own!! I feel so lucky!
So I'm a little over 5 weeks pregnant, our baby is the size of a poppyseed and we are on our journey to becoming a family of 4!!!