Today was the Trio's first Halloween, and Emmalee's first time Trick-or-Treating! The babies wore their BLT shirts that my sister Rebecca made them. They looked so cute! Emmalee was a pretty pink butterfly!
The cycle of taking care of infant triplets is becoming "easier" but monotonous. It's a never-ending cycle of feeding one, then the next and then the next, wait a couple hours (if that) and then repeat. Once and awhile I get to have some one-on-one time with each of them, but most of the time, when I'm alone for the day, I rarely get that because once I'm finished feeding one, one of the others is ready and waiting. (aka screaming and crying!)
Also inbetween feedings and cuddling, I do have to entertain Emmalee. The TV has been doing overtime, and I'm really feeling horrible about it! So I've started BLACKOUT periods. Sometimes first thing in the morning up until naptime, I will not put the TV on at all, then when she gets up from nap I put on a movie. Thing is, as soon as she wakes up, from a full night of sleep, or a nap, she asks to watch something. Sometimes I turn off the TV after watching first thing in the morning and don't turn it on again until after dinner, or later. (Andy has a hard time with this!) She's been so glued to the TV it's really BAD! She's not suffering intellectually, but she doesn't really PLAY anymore. So we're fixing that!
Here's a little bit about each baby: (more for my benefit when I have time to start their baby books)
Owen: taking 5oz in a bottle most feedings 4-5 times a day. He is being a horrible eater. He won't suck on the bottle right away so he chokes on the formula, and then upchucks all over me! I've figured out how to minimize that, but it's not failsafe, YET! His hair is growing so much! I would say he's got the most hair out of all of them, and it's still a little red, but it looks like it's going away. He's smiling up a storm! He has this quirky half-smile that he turns into a whole smile if you make the right face or noise at him. He LOVES the animals on the mobile on his swing. He talks to them all the time, and he even started talking to me (and Mimi) a little too! He's a coo-er. "Ahhhcoooo" is what he says a lot. He sleeps 10hrs, but I've been bringing him in bed with me when Andy leaves, I think he wakes him up!
Lyla: we are offering her 4oz in a bottle, she takes 3.5 or less, usually 2oz and then she's eating every 2 hours. She's a DIVA! The past couple days she's been really whiny and crying so loudly if she's not attended to right away. Today I was feeding Owen (just started) and she woke up crying for a bottle. She had to wait the 20 minutes or more that it takes for Owen to eat, and she screamed the entire time. I tried, inbetween burps, to give her a pacifier, but she kept spitting it out, she wanted the real thing. Then she only took 2oz. What the heck!?!?! She's smiling a lot more, she's a tough one to crack sometimes. She coos once and awhile, but she STARES a lot. Also when she's on her tummy on my chest, her head wobbles so much that we started calling her the bobble head. It's very hard to get eye contact with her when she's in your arms. When she's in the swing looking at me, then she really sees me. She sleeps about 7 hours.
Noah: taking 4oz in a bottle 5 times a day. Still taking meds 6 times a day. He is so alert and into talking to us, he's going to be just like Emmalee. I really think he'll be our first talker of the trio. He's cooing, gah-ing, sometimes even a mahhh or baahhhh sound. He squeals with laughter and has the brightest eyes when he smiles! I just can't get over how much he connects with us! He was the smallest of the 3 so I guess we assumed he'd be behind in everything, boy did he prove us wrong so far!! He wants to get up and walk! It's hillarious! I put him in an exersaucer the other day, he barely reached the bottom, but he loved being upright like that! He's sleeping 10hrs, even when we make him take his meds early, he'll continue to sleep for a few more hours!
Emmalee is up at 7:30 or 8 usually. She's always got to take a stuffed animal, currently a little bunny that she named Mimi, and as of yesterday a pony that Mimi got her for Halloween. She loves her movies, Tangled, "Belle" (Beauty and the Beast), "Gru" (Dispicable Me), and newly Coraline. She is starting to play more now that I'm doing the BLACKOUT every couple days. So hopefully she'll get her imagination going more!! She says new things everyday that kill me!
All my kiddos are amazing and I love watching them grow and change every single minute of every single day!