Saturday, December 24, 2011

First (and third) Christmas!

This Christmas was full of fun with it being Emmalee's 3rd one, so she "got it" a little more and that made things a bit more exciting! We also had 3 first Christmases for the babies, they were super well-behaved thru all the festivities. We also hosted Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day brunch with Andy's family. This was also a first for us! It was a lot easier having the masses come to us instead of us packing everything and everybody up! Maybe next year we will go to everyone else again! It will be easier when we don't have so much extra stuff to bring with us!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lots of noise!

Loving life with our 4 beautiful children! They are all so full of joy and laughter MOST of the time!!! Emmalee has started telling us she loves us! This, to me, is the most wonderful yet to come out of her mouth!!! I have been waiting for this moment since she learned to say Mama!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holidays are upon us!

Thanksgiving was great! We went to my aunt & uncle's house and had a HUGE feast! The babies did really good! We even had help with Emmalee, my cousins came and picked her up early so she and her cousin Lucie could play for awhile before everyone showed up, and so we didn't have to haul her out the door as well! What an amazing family I have!

I've sent out my Christmas cards, and here's what one of the 4 designs looks like!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.