So I didn't do a very good job of keeping up with blogging through 2013! Of course I have a lot of other things going on, and just never remembered to write. This year, 2014, I'm going to start posting a photo each day! I'm not following any rules, just a photo take from that day, whether it's on my cell or with the actual camera...I'll post something!
2013 was a great year! We celebrated 8 years of marriage, and now have a 4 year old who is in Pre-K and 3 2 year olds!!! We've be adjusting to a new schedule of Emmalee in Pre-K, Papa Walt, cousin Julie and Sister In-law Heather are all helping watch the trio while I drop Emmalee off and pick her up each morning! It is really such a blessing to have these willing people so close by to help out! Also mixed into that schedule is Speech Therapy for Noah & Lyla and Lyla is also getting weekly visits from a Special Education teacher to help with focus and transition.
Our 2 weeks of winter break are coming to a close, bitter sweet, since it's fun having everyone home all day, with a break from the everyday schedule, but Emmalee loves school and the trio love Mommy to themselves!! We don't live a very exciting life, but it's full and we enjoyed so much seeing so many family and friends we don't get to see regularly this holiday! Sad it's over, but excited to see what 2014 will bring us!!!
Happy New Year