Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Day 93: "Little Bit of This and Little Bit of That."
Today are some unrelated photos, but both were taken today, so there.
Today at school Emmalee and her classmates dressed up like pirates! They are learning about maps and their teacher does some fun things with them, and even she was dressed like a pirate! Emmalee loves her class and her teacher!
While Emmalee was at school on her treasure hunt, I took the trio to Target for a little impromptu shopping trip. In the dollar section we found some seed starters for sunflowers, daisies, poppies, tomatoes, basil and strawberries! When we got home and finished lunch, while Lyla worked with her teacher, Emmalee & I planted the seeds and transplanted some sunflowers we already had growing (a bday gift from my sister Suzanna). The boys observed and loved watching the peat pellets expand when adding water! Here's our plants in the crowded windowsill (best light out of reach of the kids).
Today at school Emmalee and her classmates dressed up like pirates! They are learning about maps and their teacher does some fun things with them, and even she was dressed like a pirate! Emmalee loves her class and her teacher!
While Emmalee was at school on her treasure hunt, I took the trio to Target for a little impromptu shopping trip. In the dollar section we found some seed starters for sunflowers, daisies, poppies, tomatoes, basil and strawberries! When we got home and finished lunch, while Lyla worked with her teacher, Emmalee & I planted the seeds and transplanted some sunflowers we already had growing (a bday gift from my sister Suzanna). The boys observed and loved watching the peat pellets expand when adding water! Here's our plants in the crowded windowsill (best light out of reach of the kids).
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Day 92: "Dino"
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Day 91: "Miracle Jammies!!!"
Lyla may not look happy, but she just didn't want to pose for a picture, she wanted to snuggle. But I had to share these amazing PJs I purchased for her. They were a bit costly, for pajamas, but when you have a little lady who doesn't stay in her PJs at night, and takes off her diaper as well, you know there's trouble when that happens, these really are the answer to our frustrations!! You may recall several posts ago I posted Lyla's new fashion statement, her backwards jammies, with a onesie over the top. Well she even stretched her way out of those without unsnapping or unzipping anything!! She truly is a little Houdini! These PJs are called Little Sleeper Keepers and the neck does not stretch like most PJs do, and there's a special double snap closure at the top of the zipper (which is up the back) and even a hidden 3rd snap that keeps the zipper in place! 3 naps and 3 sleeps and she's yet to escape them. We're going to buy a couple more sets!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Day 89: "Tiny Fingers"
Today I did Emmalee's nails! Andy HATES (and that's putting it nicely) nail polish, mostly because of the stink. Last year I was introduced to the amazing world of Jamberry Nails! I have a few MoM friends who sell them and so I got a few different sets of wraps (that's what they're called) to try on myself and Emmalee. You use heat to warm the glue on the wraps, press them on your nails and trim them up and voila!! adorable, fun patterned nails!! She chose these herself, the girly skulls and stripes, and picked which nail had which wrap. They took only about 15 minutes to apply and there's no drying time at all, and they last at least 2 weeks, and no chipping! Andy'll never know we did them b/c there's no stinky polish smell left lingering! (I doubt Emmalee will let him walk thru the door without shoving her hands in his face though!)
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I even did her thumbs, so hopefully this will deter her from sucking! |
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day 87: "Family Mall Trip"
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Day 84: "Work In Progress"
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The yarn before I started! |
I'm loving this color combo done by Jess (aka The Topeka Twister). This yarn was spun custom for a fellow MoM and then sent to me to create headbands out of. This is just the start of the first one, and it's so pretty! The photo doesn't even do it justice! |
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Day 83: "For Little Princesses"
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day 81: "Yummy"
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I made this delicious S'mores Pie for Rebecca's birthday celebration today! It was soooo yummy! Find the recipe here: Wishes and Dishes |
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Day 80: "Double Take"
I've always thought Noah resembled Emmalee the most out of the everyone. Today I snapped this shot and it's undeniable!! If they were the same height and wearing the same clothes, I wouldn't be able to tell who was who from behind!! ;)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Day 79: "Sensory Play"
Today I filled a big bin with dry beans and let the trio have at it! I gave them some measuring scoops and a small cup each and they loved it!
All three shared so nicely! (Very rare right now for us.) |
Lyla loved dipping her hands in and feeling the smooth textures of the beans! |
Noah carefully filled his cups! |
Owen made a huge mess letting everything overflow!!! |
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Day 78: "NOAH!"
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Day 71: "Cuddle Bug"
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Day 70: "I'm Over It"
Today I battled the stomach bug...along with Owen and Lyla. Andy was able to come home for a short time so I could lay down, but then had to return to work when the kids got up from naps, was home for a short time after dinner and was out on calls for the rest of the evening. Needless to say, I didn't get too many photos, just this one of Noah taking full advantage of me not having any energy to keep him off the table. He was up there for 90% of the day...I'm over it.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Day 68: "Too Close"
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Day 66: "Happy Birthday To Me!"
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Some of my Birthday breakfast at Denny's! Pancake Puppies! Mmmm! |
Cupcakes! |
Emmalee enjoying her cupcake. |
Noah picked off each individual star sprinkle and ate them first. |
Lyla sat like this for 45 minutes before Noah tried stealing her cupcake and she decided to start eating it. |
Today was a great birthday! It ended with a delicious dinner at Kobe Japanese Steak & Sushi, I had Hibachi and afterwards we visited with Julie & Aaron and played a couple games of euchre. A perfect day!!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Day 65: "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?"
First, do you know where that quote comes from??? It's irrelevant to my post but still fun none the less!
When Lyla or Noah is doing ST (Speech Therapy) Owen often asks: "Buttons, please?" I have a bunch of buttons that aren't being used for any projects just yet, so we have a couple small cups, and each of them (Owen and either Lyla or Noah, whomever isn't working with the ST) get to play with their buttons as they see fit. I interact if allowed, modeling sorting and counting and such. Today Lyla was infatuated with some black buttons, she was counting and counting and counting them, there were 9 total, but she'd count on up to 14, 15, 16, moving the buttons to the beginning of her line. She played with them, as long as no one interfered for 40 minutes!
Sometimes I just love to sit and watch them play in their own way.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day 62: "Create Something New"
Yesterday was a crazy day here. Lots of things happened in the morning, early afternoon hours that either added stress or anxiety to my day. I couldn't wait for nap time so I could create something new and push all the negative feelings away. This is why I crochet, and luckily today I got some new yarn and had a request for a new item. The yarn I used is mohair and is very, very fine and different to manipulate. I love how light and airy it is, and making baby bonnets for the first time from this new yarn was a fun new challenge.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day 61: "Day Out"
Emmalee had a sleep over at cousin Alex's house so we decided to take the trio out for a shopping trip! We went to BJ's and let the boys "drive" the cart!!

Here we are at Bill Gray's for lunch! This is while we're waiting for Daddy to get drinks.
Noah spent more time on his feet in the booth then he did sitting down. Owen wasn't impressed.
Noah spotted a fun family over the wall, and started saying hello to them, they of course couldn't stand how cute he was and humored him with smiles and waves!

Lyla soon had to join Noah in standing and peeking over the wall at the other family. Since no one was upset, we let it slide...and the restaurant was very quiet.

Noah giving Daddy a big ol' kiss!
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