Today at dinner Lyla was eating her french fries and I look over and she's opening her mouth weird, as she does when she doesn't like what she's chewing on. So I put her plate in front of her so she can spit it out. She does, and looks at it and says (completely unprompted) "YUCKY!!!!"
Now, if one of the other kids would've done this I'd have said, "that is yucky and you shouldn't spit your food out, you should swallow it." But in this case, I was cheering and saying "YES!!! That IS Yucky!!!" and then I started bawling because she said something that had true meaning without us prompting a response!
A truly amazing moment to end a long day.
The beginning of the day my mom came over and we went to visit Stepping Stone preschool. They have integrated classrooms for kids with IEPs (Individualized Education Plan) and kids without who are normal functioning. We really would like to see Lyla in this type of setting, at least to get a feel for what her needs will be when it comes to a classroom environment. Walking into this school I just knew this was the place for Lyla. All these staff who we passed by in the hallway or who walked by us while we were waiting for our "tour guide" greeted us with bright smiles. The woman who took us on the tour and explained the programs they have available was so great. She made me feel like Lyla was already placed here and this is what they can/will do for her when she starts in September. (She actually apologized for doing this later on, but I think that's really part of what sold me!) It's close to home, the kids all seemed so happy and relaxed. I can't wait to put this place down as her preschool on Monday when I call up the CPSE head. I can see that they will guide us along all these unknowns we have ahead of us, and I am looking forward to the fall when she can start.