Sunday, June 7, 2015

One year ago...

We were told our youngest daughter, Lyla, has autism. It's amazing how much happens in a year.

After her diagnosis I started reading and reading and reading. Trying to figure out what I could do to make our lives "easier" or "normal". Of course there is no such thing as "normal" but it's what we, as the human race strive for...normalcy. It didn't take long for me to realize that our family is unique, as is each an every other family in the universe, and I thank God for that.

Today marks one year since the doctor told us in that small exam room after observing Lyla, and listening to us talk about her "normal" behaviors or lack of, and we were given that label of autism. Sometimes I still cry thinking about it, but not because I'm sad for myself...or her...or all of us...but because we decided to take the steps to see what was really going on, we've come to where we are today.

Lyla is still not communicating like we'd hoped she would. But she has words, lots of them, even if they are mostly scripting shows or randomly singing songs (or maybe not so randomly) she hears on a daily basis, and my favorite lately is her "go to" phrases she pulls from us and/or her peers. She's a little parrot right now, typical of a 18 month old who repeats everything you say to them. We still talk to her as much as we can, and ask her questions and join her in song. It may not be the communication we have with the other 3 kids, but it's still communication.

She's got a year of school under her belt, she's been in an integrated (mix of kids with special needs and neuro-typical kids) class and she gets speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, music therapy (amazing by the way) and she's in an autism program where she gets even more therapy. It's a lot, but it's necessary and it's helping! A year ago she wasn't saying anything, now she's always singing, scripting, parroting all day. She's more attentive to those around her, and she even plays WITH her siblings, not just next to them. I'm still waiting for that time when she really looks at me and calls me "Mommy" but if I don't get it, I know she knows who I's just that little selfish thing I hold on to.

She's going to continue through the summer with her schedule and come fall she's going to increase her she'll be in school for a longer day. We're looking forward to what will come next!