So my unplanned break cycle ended up turning into a very short cycle...11 days (compared to your avg 28 day cycle) to be exact! I was devestated at first, because of all the issues with the lack of insurance. But I called my doc, they said this is normal when going from medicated cycles to an unmedicated one. Then a day later I got the approval for free meds from Compassionate Care, the drug company's program for a free round of injectable drugs. They were to be delivered to my RE on Friday, so I scheduled an u/s and bloodwork to see if we could start again, since my body started a new cycle! It worked out in our favor to start a new cycle, and so yesterday after 9 days of injections I had an u/s to see if there were any follicle cooking, and I had 5 or 6 that were good sized. I needed to do one more night of stimming, which I didn't have meds for and so my RE gave me some. IUI is schduled for Thursday. And then we have the 2ww. But it's Christmas in a week, so it'll be a good distraction! I'm really anxious this time around, I'm always anxious, but really hopeful for this cycle! If this doesn't work out we might have to stop altogether...our insurance copay has more than doubled and we can't afford to fork out that much each month...so we'll have to leave it be. :( It's hard to think about that...so I'll just think about how this could be IT for us and work out wonderfully!
In the meantime, we are getting ready for the holiday! We went and had breakfast with Santa last weekend and Emmalee loved Santa from a distance, she says: "ho-ho"! When we put her on his lap, she did not like him so much!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas Eve with the Herzogs, VanAukens and more VanAukens!!! Then Christmas morning with Emmalee, Davenports in the afternoon, and Bovenzis in the evening! This is my favorite time of year, I get to see everyone I love! Then not too far is NYE where we'll get to see lots of friends and family here! Happy Holidays!
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