This Christmas was full of fun with it being Emmalee's 3rd one, so she "got it" a little more and that made things a bit more exciting! We also had 3 first Christmases for the babies, they were super well-behaved thru all the festivities. We also hosted Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day brunch with Andy's family. This was also a first for us! It was a lot easier having the masses come to us instead of us packing everything and everybody up! Maybe next year we will go to everyone else again! It will be easier when we don't have so much extra stuff to bring with us!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Lots of noise!
Loving life with our 4 beautiful children! They are all so full of joy and laughter MOST of the time!!! Emmalee has started telling us she loves us! This, to me, is the most wonderful yet to come out of her mouth!!! I have been waiting for this moment since she learned to say Mama!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Holidays are upon us!
Thanksgiving was great! We went to my aunt & uncle's house and had a HUGE feast! The babies did really good! We even had help with Emmalee, my cousins came and picked her up early so she and her cousin Lucie could play for awhile before everyone showed up, and so we didn't have to haul her out the door as well! What an amazing family I have!
I've sent out my Christmas cards, and here's what one of the 4 designs looks like!
I've sent out my Christmas cards, and here's what one of the 4 designs looks like!
Friday, November 11, 2011
4 Months!
The babies had their 4 month checkup today! (They will be 4mo on Weds)!
They have grown! Owen is now 13lbs 7oz, Lyla is 9lbs 14oz & Noah is 11lbs 2 oz! Owen is 24 inches tall and Lyla & Noah are both 22 inches tall! Our Pedi said that everyone is looking great!
Having triplets I seem to have a TON of questions. I feel like a NEW mom everytime I go in for an appointment. I know a lot of the answers before she gives them, or I "assume" and she validates my assumptions! But having triplets and the fact that they were 2 months premature raises a lot of new questions. Their development of most milestones that 4 month old babies born at full-term may be delayed because they are only really supposed to be 2 month olds! This is a whole new thing for me. I feel like they are right on track for THEM. Each baby is his/her own individual, but they are all very similar in their milestones up to this point. They are smiling, babbling, laughing, and responding so well to voices and other people. They are using their hands to grasp and putting them in their mouths. Sitting up isn't really a thing they can do outside of the Bumbo seat or the exersaucer or someone's lap, but I don't think Emmalee even started sitting semi-unassisted until she was 5mo! So we'll see!
Lyla is a little behind in her weight gain, so she's going to be put on the 24 calorie mixture of the formula, just like Noah is. At least it's something we already do, so nothing NEW! It's just getting into the grove of doing it! Thank heaven for the bottle warmer I bought!
Noah is gaining wonderfully and he's doing so well with his meds, that we're dropping one of the meds down from 4x/day to only 3x/day! I'm super excited about this! He also has a 2nd med that is 2x/day, so that was 6x/day we were giving him medicine. This is hard to dictate to some people who want to help out, so the less he needs, the better! We're looking at if he's still doing really well at his 6mo appt, possibly keeping his dose at the same amount, and start weaning him! His doses did go up this time, according to his weight gain.
Owen is measuring in the 25th percentile for his weight for a 4 month old (full-term). For a 2 month old he'd be in the 95th percentile! Lately we've been noticing something weird about Owen's head shape and his tendencies to favor looking to the left. So I planned on bringing this up at the appointment, and I'm sure glad I did. He has what is called Torticollis, it's your muscles in your neck grow we from lack of use, and you tend to favor one side more than the other. It is apparently common in preemies, and especially multiples. He is going to go see a Physical Therapist (PT) a week from Monday, and she will teach us how to help correct this and hopefully we can avoid the need for a shaping helmet. And to be totally honest, this was something before I had the babies I was terrified about happening. I know if it's needed, it's needed. But I can't help but feel like it's MY fault that he's got this wrong with him. If I would've paid more attention to which way his head was facing, and urged him to look the other way, or if I held him more, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Lyla and Noah don't have this problem, do I hold them more than him? I feel like a bad mommy. :(
I am glad that they are growing and meeting important milestones and overall I'm doing a great job! I still cannot believe I have 4 month old triplets! Life is good.
They have grown! Owen is now 13lbs 7oz, Lyla is 9lbs 14oz & Noah is 11lbs 2 oz! Owen is 24 inches tall and Lyla & Noah are both 22 inches tall! Our Pedi said that everyone is looking great!
Having triplets I seem to have a TON of questions. I feel like a NEW mom everytime I go in for an appointment. I know a lot of the answers before she gives them, or I "assume" and she validates my assumptions! But having triplets and the fact that they were 2 months premature raises a lot of new questions. Their development of most milestones that 4 month old babies born at full-term may be delayed because they are only really supposed to be 2 month olds! This is a whole new thing for me. I feel like they are right on track for THEM. Each baby is his/her own individual, but they are all very similar in their milestones up to this point. They are smiling, babbling, laughing, and responding so well to voices and other people. They are using their hands to grasp and putting them in their mouths. Sitting up isn't really a thing they can do outside of the Bumbo seat or the exersaucer or someone's lap, but I don't think Emmalee even started sitting semi-unassisted until she was 5mo! So we'll see!
Lyla is a little behind in her weight gain, so she's going to be put on the 24 calorie mixture of the formula, just like Noah is. At least it's something we already do, so nothing NEW! It's just getting into the grove of doing it! Thank heaven for the bottle warmer I bought!
Noah is gaining wonderfully and he's doing so well with his meds, that we're dropping one of the meds down from 4x/day to only 3x/day! I'm super excited about this! He also has a 2nd med that is 2x/day, so that was 6x/day we were giving him medicine. This is hard to dictate to some people who want to help out, so the less he needs, the better! We're looking at if he's still doing really well at his 6mo appt, possibly keeping his dose at the same amount, and start weaning him! His doses did go up this time, according to his weight gain.
Owen is measuring in the 25th percentile for his weight for a 4 month old (full-term). For a 2 month old he'd be in the 95th percentile! Lately we've been noticing something weird about Owen's head shape and his tendencies to favor looking to the left. So I planned on bringing this up at the appointment, and I'm sure glad I did. He has what is called Torticollis, it's your muscles in your neck grow we from lack of use, and you tend to favor one side more than the other. It is apparently common in preemies, and especially multiples. He is going to go see a Physical Therapist (PT) a week from Monday, and she will teach us how to help correct this and hopefully we can avoid the need for a shaping helmet. And to be totally honest, this was something before I had the babies I was terrified about happening. I know if it's needed, it's needed. But I can't help but feel like it's MY fault that he's got this wrong with him. If I would've paid more attention to which way his head was facing, and urged him to look the other way, or if I held him more, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Lyla and Noah don't have this problem, do I hold them more than him? I feel like a bad mommy. :(
I am glad that they are growing and meeting important milestones and overall I'm doing a great job! I still cannot believe I have 4 month old triplets! Life is good.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Emmalee is adorable!
She loves her baby brothers and sister. Sometimes I think she ignores them, on purpose. I probably would too if I was a 2yo and suddenly had to share my mommy and all her time with 3 little babies! But even after that, she sometimes just goes over to one of them, will take his/her hand and just hold it, saying "thank you very much!" She's so funny. I love when she pets them and says "ohhhh so cute!" and now she says "hi sweetie!" Who taught her that one!?!!?? LOVE IT!
I just wish she'd tell me she loves me already. She's 26 months old, (2years 2months) and she still hasn't said, "I love you Mommy!" I'm waiting to MELT! Hopefully soon. If I ask her if she loves me, she says yes, or hugs me. Also if I ask her, "can you say, 'Mommy, I love you'?" She says "yes" but never does. So we'll see what happens!
She loves her movies and bringing her toys into bed with her. She's obsessed with it. If she doesn't have a certain toy with her, or if she throws it out of the crib, she'll scream til she has it! She wants to stay in her feety pajamas all the time and literally throws a fit when I change her diaper because she thinks I'm going to take the pj's off! YIKES!
But she makes me smile, despite the climbing on the furniture, and the raiding of the pantry, trying to open boxes of food that she shouldn't have. All while I'm in the midst of feeding some one. She even takes the cereal boxes off the countertop and carries them to her chair and helps herself to a snack! I love it. I am setting boundaries, but if it's keeping her happy while I'm feeding a baby and I'm alone with all 4 of them, she can do whatever! As long as she's safe!
Here she is sharing with Noah.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Today was the Trio's first Halloween, and Emmalee's first time Trick-or-Treating! The babies wore their BLT shirts that my sister Rebecca made them. They looked so cute! Emmalee was a pretty pink butterfly!
The cycle of taking care of infant triplets is becoming "easier" but monotonous. It's a never-ending cycle of feeding one, then the next and then the next, wait a couple hours (if that) and then repeat. Once and awhile I get to have some one-on-one time with each of them, but most of the time, when I'm alone for the day, I rarely get that because once I'm finished feeding one, one of the others is ready and waiting. (aka screaming and crying!)
Also inbetween feedings and cuddling, I do have to entertain Emmalee. The TV has been doing overtime, and I'm really feeling horrible about it! So I've started BLACKOUT periods. Sometimes first thing in the morning up until naptime, I will not put the TV on at all, then when she gets up from nap I put on a movie. Thing is, as soon as she wakes up, from a full night of sleep, or a nap, she asks to watch something. Sometimes I turn off the TV after watching first thing in the morning and don't turn it on again until after dinner, or later. (Andy has a hard time with this!) She's been so glued to the TV it's really BAD! She's not suffering intellectually, but she doesn't really PLAY anymore. So we're fixing that!
Here's a little bit about each baby: (more for my benefit when I have time to start their baby books)
Owen: taking 5oz in a bottle most feedings 4-5 times a day. He is being a horrible eater. He won't suck on the bottle right away so he chokes on the formula, and then upchucks all over me! I've figured out how to minimize that, but it's not failsafe, YET! His hair is growing so much! I would say he's got the most hair out of all of them, and it's still a little red, but it looks like it's going away. He's smiling up a storm! He has this quirky half-smile that he turns into a whole smile if you make the right face or noise at him. He LOVES the animals on the mobile on his swing. He talks to them all the time, and he even started talking to me (and Mimi) a little too! He's a coo-er. "Ahhhcoooo" is what he says a lot. He sleeps 10hrs, but I've been bringing him in bed with me when Andy leaves, I think he wakes him up!
Lyla: we are offering her 4oz in a bottle, she takes 3.5 or less, usually 2oz and then she's eating every 2 hours. She's a DIVA! The past couple days she's been really whiny and crying so loudly if she's not attended to right away. Today I was feeding Owen (just started) and she woke up crying for a bottle. She had to wait the 20 minutes or more that it takes for Owen to eat, and she screamed the entire time. I tried, inbetween burps, to give her a pacifier, but she kept spitting it out, she wanted the real thing. Then she only took 2oz. What the heck!?!?! She's smiling a lot more, she's a tough one to crack sometimes. She coos once and awhile, but she STARES a lot. Also when she's on her tummy on my chest, her head wobbles so much that we started calling her the bobble head. It's very hard to get eye contact with her when she's in your arms. When she's in the swing looking at me, then she really sees me. She sleeps about 7 hours.
Noah: taking 4oz in a bottle 5 times a day. Still taking meds 6 times a day. He is so alert and into talking to us, he's going to be just like Emmalee. I really think he'll be our first talker of the trio. He's cooing, gah-ing, sometimes even a mahhh or baahhhh sound. He squeals with laughter and has the brightest eyes when he smiles! I just can't get over how much he connects with us! He was the smallest of the 3 so I guess we assumed he'd be behind in everything, boy did he prove us wrong so far!! He wants to get up and walk! It's hillarious! I put him in an exersaucer the other day, he barely reached the bottom, but he loved being upright like that! He's sleeping 10hrs, even when we make him take his meds early, he'll continue to sleep for a few more hours!
Emmalee is up at 7:30 or 8 usually. She's always got to take a stuffed animal, currently a little bunny that she named Mimi, and as of yesterday a pony that Mimi got her for Halloween. She loves her movies, Tangled, "Belle" (Beauty and the Beast), "Gru" (Dispicable Me), and newly Coraline. She is starting to play more now that I'm doing the BLACKOUT every couple days. So hopefully she'll get her imagination going more!! She says new things everyday that kill me!
All my kiddos are amazing and I love watching them grow and change every single minute of every single day!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Having a bad day...
So I usually look forward to Tuesdays. Julie comes over, so I have help all day, and the day flies by because of that. Then my parents come bring us dinner.
This morning I woke up to dog poop in the basement, smelling up the whole house. Lyla was screaming to eat, and I couldn't move fast enough. Then Noah was crying while I was feeding her. It's hard to listen to one cry while you're busy with another. Also, Emmalee was calling me from her crib, so I felt bad I couldn't get her! I ended up grabbing her quick before I got Noah ready to eat, so she didn't have to wait TOO long. But listening to her beg and plead for me to get her out of bed is tough!!!
Noah was being a difficult eater. He didn't even finish half of his bottle and fell asleep. So of course he's going to be off for the rest of the day. Owen was next and he was fine. Julie came after I was done feeding everyone, which is usually how it goes in the morning, but today I was just hoping she'd be early!!!
I needed to call to schedule an OB appointment for February for my 6month post partum checkup. So before I found out I was having triplets I had all my files sent to Unity OB/GYN because they work out of Parkridge Hospital, and I thought it'd be nicer to deliver closer to home, since we have Emmalee. When we found out we had triplets, we had to go to a specialist from the beginning, so I didn't even go see the Dr. at the new OB office. For my post partum, I was trying to schedule with Unity and they were giving me a runaround. I kept having to call next week, and then the next week, because they didn't have the schedule for next year up yet. So I finally get ahold of them, and the Dr. is off the week I can come in because my mom is off for February Break. So the first lady I talked to said I could schedule an appointment with a PA instead...which was fine with me. Their schedules weren't up yet, so I had to call back again. So this morning I decided to call. The lady I talked to said that I could NOT see a PA because I am a new patient and the Dr. has to see new patients for their first visits. This is fine, whatever, but I was mislead and this is the 10th time I've called this darn office. I hung up on the lady because she was talking to me like I was an idiot.
I lost it. I got really emotional and had a meltdown. Luckily Julie was here so I could go in my room and just get it all out. Awhile after I decided I would call up my old OB's office and schedule there if I was still on their patient list. I had to switch to a different Dr. there because the Dr. I originally saw left the practice. I got an appointment and am having my paperwork from my pregancy sent over, so it's all good. Just a stressful freakin' process.
Then I get my CD with all the pictures from our photoshoot last week, and it's BLANK! I tried it in every machine we have, there's nothing on it. Luckily it was free, if I had paid for them and they showed up blank, I'd be real upset. I emailed her and she's sending another one. Sucks I have to wait again.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My babies are 3 months old!!!
Can you believe 3 months has gone by since I had the most eventful day of my life!?!? I can't. It's really flown by so very quickly!

Kiddos are doing amazing! We are getting about 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep SOME nights! I LOVE it! Of course the nights we only get 3 or 4 are ones that preceed a day that I'm alone!!! It's good though, once they're doing this more regularly, we'll see about moving them to their cribs in their own room! I worry about Noah when it comes to this transition. He's sleeping in his Rock'n'Play sleeper, and it keeps him VERY elevated, so that he's almost in a sitting position. This will be a big change if he's moved to his crib. I'll have to see what our options are at that point, or he might just be with us a little bit longer. The actual move may not even take place for another month or so...I'll write about that when we make the first attempt!!!
Emmalee is such an amazing kid! She's talking in 'almost' complete sentences! Other people are starting to understand more of what she's saying, and she is singing songs from the MANY movies she loves to watch! I still feel that she watches too much, but it's an easy way to occupy her and keep her HAPPY, while I feed babies and clean and such. It would be really nice if I could just spend her nap time cleaning, but the babies always eat during that time, so there goes an hour or more... Doesn't make things easy!
I hope to get the Wii hooked up this week and weigh the babies. So I'll update if that happens too. Here is a teaser from our photoshoot with Liz Colombo, a photographer from Pittsford, who gave me a free photoshoot! She did an amazing job, and was very patient with all my little ones!!! Following that is a picture I got of all 4 of my babies!!! I love them all so very much!

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Days Alone with 4 children
Are really TOUGH!
Emmalee is really challeging. Of course she wants attention, she's 2 for goodness sake! I give it to her when I can, but for most of the morning, I'm feeding babies, then getting bottles ready (I do this also when she goes to bed and during nap, it's something that has to be done many times a day with 3 babies!!) She loves to watch movies, which makes it easy to turn one on, then do what I have to do with the Trio and even have some time to get a few other chores done! When her movie is done, she usually eats, then wants to nap! (The morning goes by way too fast!)
Most mornings she's the one that wakes me up. She screams "Mommy Mommy Mommy" until I come get her at around 7-7:30 am! The babies are on a good sleeping schedule. They eat around 10-11 (give/take an hour depending on the day) and then they stay asleep, in our room in their bassinets until about 3-4am! It has been a quick transition to get them to sleep thru the night (if you can call it that at this point.) so I'm happy about it! They go for about 5-6 hours, which is AWESOME for preemies and 2 month olds! Then they sleep til I get them up around 8-9 depending on the day! It's starting to get a lot better! I usually don't get in bed til about 11pm so I'm getting about 4 hours of sleep, ALMOST uninterrupted, sometimes Noah has little spit ups in the night, so that breaks up my sleep.
They're eating about every 3-4 hours, 4oz for Owen, 3.5oz for Noah and Lyla just barely takes 3oz! She's one that gives a fight everytime she eats! She just doesn't wanna take it all! She usually takes 2oz, then she's done, ready for more in 2-2.5 hours! It would be fine and dandy if she was the ONLY baby! But c'mon Lyla, didn't you get the memo? There are 3 of you!!!!
My weeks fly by, but the days seem long. I am alone Mondays and Thursdays, and most weeks I have help from my cousin Julie on Tuesdays and Fridays, she's awesome! On Wednesdays my sister-in-law Heather helps out after she gets done with her job in the late morning and stays til my niece, her daughter, gets out of school. Tuesday nights my parents bring dinner, and the past couple weeks we've had dinner with Heather and Bob and Nicole. Thursdays my In-laws were bringing dinner, but that quickly changed. We are going to be going to my parents every other Sunday for a family dinner with my siblings and then the alternating Sundays we are going to have Andy's parents over, and they'll bring dinner. It's such a HUGE thing not to have to think about dinner, and actually having the time to make it is almost impossible. Once I have longer stretches, I'll have time to prep meals, and even get crockpot dinners going the day before, but right now, it's too chaotic! We also have frozen meals from friends and family, which really come in handy as well! I'm so grateful for all the people in my life that are always there in these HUGE ways, just willing and able to help! THANK YOU ALL!
Pictures for today are the babies trying out the Bumbo chair for the first time! LOVE IT! Emmalee is digging into a box of Cornflakes, and of course spilled them everywhere!!! Then proceeded to crunch them under her feet saying, "Mommy!!! Feet!!!" Yikes!!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2 months old!
Owen, Lyla and Noah are 2 months old!
The time has flown by, and yet the days are LONG! It's really hard living life in 3-4 hour intervals! But I'm getting the hang of it, and will be on my own this coming Monday for the first time! I've had help from my mother, family and friends everyday since the babies came home, and before that for the month that I was on bed rest. It's going to be a whole new world being alone with 4 children under the age of 3!
Emmalee loves her baby brothers and sister. She coos at them and pets them so gently. She sometimes forgets that they're here, but that is totally expected, because she is a toddler and her world is all about her! She is going to be the challenging part of my day. Keeping her occupied and entertained while I feed each of the babies is going to be difficult. I know she'll sit and watch TV all day, if I let her, but I don't want that to become a habit. Of course at first, it might be the only way to keep her out of trouble. We will see!
At the triplet's 2 month checkup, they have made excellent growth! Owen is 10lbs, Lyla is 7lbs12oz and Noah is 7lbs11oz! They are doing amazing. They boys had their circumcisions, and the Dr. who did it put rings on that were way too tight, so they had to be removed at their appointment (thank God we had it!) because they were swelling up so bad, and starting to look infected. Poor boys, they were so upset and sore, and to top things off they had to have 4 shots for immunizations! They are healing very nicely though, and are no longer in pain. Thank goodness!
Andy has been home all week, it has been nice having him here. Unfortunately during his week off our van broke down, and had to be repaired all week. The dealer that we got it from had to cover all the work, because they gave us a 6mo extension on the Lemon Warranty, and we are still within that time frame. They were really giving us a hard time about it though, so Andy spent 3 of his days off playing phone tag with these jerks, arguing about what they need to do for us. Luckily we got a loaner van, so we could get some running around done that we had planned.
Life with triplets is amazing. Never a dull moment, and they each have their own personality. Emmalee is already an amazing big sister, and I can't wait until she can start really communicating with them! That will be amazing! Noah really responds to her when she talks to him, it's so adorable!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
5 week checkup
Owen is 7 lbs 13 oz!
Lyla is 6 lbs 7 oz!
Noah is 6 lbs 4 oz!
They have all gained, especially Mr. Owen! He's huge, compared to the other two! He feels it too! All is going well, Owen is on the growth spectrum, in the 5th percentile, and Lyla and Noah are still below. Which for premies, and because technically they still shouldn't be born yet, is totally normal!
Noah has been having a rough time with his tummy. He's been spitting up a lot, and showing signs of discomfort. So he's been on Acid Reflux meds, similar to Zantax. Those didn't really help much, so the Dr. put him on another medication that will help to empty his stomach. He usually has Huge spit ups 2hrs or more after he takes a bottle, this shouldn't be happening because his stomach should be empty by then! So this medication should help. (It's been 2.5 days and it really seems to be helping a lot!!)
Emmalee also had her 2 year checkup. She's 28 lbs 4 oz and 32 inches tall! She is beyond advanced with her verbal skills, as anyone who knows her could imagine! She's growing and healthy! She did have to have bloodwork done for lead screening and cholesterol. This was not fun for poor Emmalee. The first poke was unsuccessful and so she had to be poked again in the other arm. She was a trooper! I treated her to McD's after, so I think that helped ease the pain a teeny bit!
My mom is only with me for one more week! I'm a little anxious about it, but I think everything will be good. My sister is coming the following week and then Andy will be home on vacation the week after that. So it's really 3 more weeks til I'll be "ALONE" with 4 kids under 3! I CAN DO THIS! :)
I have their announcements and have been handing them to people we've seen, the rest will be sent out soon, once I can get stamps!
Lyla is 6 lbs 7 oz!
Noah is 6 lbs 4 oz!
They have all gained, especially Mr. Owen! He's huge, compared to the other two! He feels it too! All is going well, Owen is on the growth spectrum, in the 5th percentile, and Lyla and Noah are still below. Which for premies, and because technically they still shouldn't be born yet, is totally normal!
Noah has been having a rough time with his tummy. He's been spitting up a lot, and showing signs of discomfort. So he's been on Acid Reflux meds, similar to Zantax. Those didn't really help much, so the Dr. put him on another medication that will help to empty his stomach. He usually has Huge spit ups 2hrs or more after he takes a bottle, this shouldn't be happening because his stomach should be empty by then! So this medication should help. (It's been 2.5 days and it really seems to be helping a lot!!)
Emmalee also had her 2 year checkup. She's 28 lbs 4 oz and 32 inches tall! She is beyond advanced with her verbal skills, as anyone who knows her could imagine! She's growing and healthy! She did have to have bloodwork done for lead screening and cholesterol. This was not fun for poor Emmalee. The first poke was unsuccessful and so she had to be poked again in the other arm. She was a trooper! I treated her to McD's after, so I think that helped ease the pain a teeny bit!
My mom is only with me for one more week! I'm a little anxious about it, but I think everything will be good. My sister is coming the following week and then Andy will be home on vacation the week after that. So it's really 3 more weeks til I'll be "ALONE" with 4 kids under 3! I CAN DO THIS! :)
I have their announcements and have been handing them to people we've seen, the rest will be sent out soon, once I can get stamps!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Multiples Discounts & Offers List
Here's a list for my MoM friends out there!
I've included MOST of the address/#s on the list from our FB page, and just updated whether or not they still do anything. As I hear back I will add/change things! So keep checking back!
Last updated 8/22/11.
American Baby Basket
Gift Headquarters
P.O. Box 734
New York, NY 10113-073
Sent BC out 8/15/11
Build-a-Bear“Stuff for Stuff” online member sign-up
Receive a birthday certificate each year can add up to 6 family members
Baby Einstein
1(800) 793-1454 or 1(818) 265-6050
Received an email saying there is NO multiples program, but to join online newsletter mailing list and they have a Parents Panel for testing new toys (haven’t pursued YET)
I emailed them, thru contact form on website
Rec’d email 3 days later saying they will send New Parent Packet w/feeding info & 3x the coupons (for triplets), can also go online for more coupons but need 3 emails to get 3x the coupons online. I mentioned in my letter we have a 2yo and they sent toddler food coups as well.
Rec’d 2 days after email in snail mail: New Parent Pack with feeding info, many coups for all different stage foods, and toddler stacks, also Rewards Program info (save UPCs and mail in for more coups!)
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
Multiple Birth Program
2400 W. Lloy Expressway
Evansville, IN 47721
1(800) 332-2056
Emailed thru website, rec’d email that said to call and provide more info
Boudreauex’s Butt Paste
Mail to:
Blairex Laboratories, Inc.
1600 Brian Drive
Columbus, IN 47201-2127
Attn: Multiple Birth Program
I sent email 8/6/11 and got an answer 8/8/11- will send a care pkg w/proof of birth, mailed Birth Certs and letter 8/10/11. Rec’d on 8/19/11- 6 sample sized ointment packets, each with $1 off coupon, 2- 2oz tubes of ointment, 1-4oz tube of ointment, 3- “Baby Kisses” lip/cheek moisturizer (lip balm) and 3 Boudreaux’s Butt Paste bibs!
Bright Starts (also Kids II)
“Generation Moms”-sign up online to test new products and share your opinions.
NO multiples discounts, register online for their “Celebration Club” and get coupons
Children’s Place
NO multiples discounts, register online for Birthday Club and get 15% off coupon
Emailed, said to register online for coupons
Enfamil (See Mead & Johnson)
Earth’s Best Baby Food
Earth’s Best Consumer Relations
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc
4600 Sleepytime Dr.
Boulder, CO 80301
Emailed Earth’s Best 8/10/11
Emailed Hain Celestial Group 8/11/11
Evenflo Products
Emailed, NO LONGER offer multiples program, go to website for info & coupons
The First Years/Learning Curve
Emailed 8/7/11, joined email list, rec’d email from Learning Curve
Graco Children’s Products, Inc.
Emailed, NO programs/offers
Gerber/Goodstart Formula
Multiple Birth Program
445 State Street
Freemont, MI 49413
Emailed 8/9/11, rec’d email 8/11/11 just info about website, Sent copies of BC and letter on 8/11/11 anyway and rec’d on 8/13/11- 3 newborn onesies & coupons for Goodstart formula and $10 off any 1 or more Gerber food, water or beverage products!
Halo Sleepsack
Phone: 1 (888) 999-4526 ext 119
Buy one get one ½ off, Twins discount. Have to call customer service and order over the phone, tell them you have multiples.
Heinz Baby Food
P.O. Box 57
Pittsburg, PA 15230-0057
Email was for Canada only, so I sent in copies of BCs and letter on 8/10/11
Sent email 8/15/11
Some discounts posted online at times, “Test & Tell” Mom program, register online.
iplay (green sprouts) baby wear
Email: customercare@iplaybabywear.comGave me a Promo code for 20% off entire online order.
Johnson & Johnson, responded to go to website, they do not offer any Multiples Programs. Offer coupons online from time to time, and lots of advice.
JPMA Safe & Sound
236 Rt. 389 W.
Suite 100
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Emailed 8/9/11, still no response. Will send letter & BCs.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (aka HUGGIES)
Multiple Birth Program
Dept QMB-016294800A
P.O. Box 2020
Neenah, WI 54957
Sent email, said to send copies of BCs and letter requesting Multiple Birth Program-mailed 8/11/11. Rec’d 8/22/11- 3-$6off any pkg of Huggies diapers, 3-$3off any Huggies product, and 3-$1off any Huggies product.
Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc.
Attention Donations
10832 NC Hwy 211 E
Aberdeen, NC 28315
Emailed 8/8/11, no response (unless it was emailed with an unfamiliar name) Sent in letter and BCs anyway on 8/11/11
Little Me Multiple Birth Program
112 W 34th St.
Suite 1000
New York, NY 10120
Attn: Amanda Gaynor
8/7/11-emailed, rec’d email 8/8/11-send letter and proof of birth to address and will send a “welcome to the world” gift. Other address (Cumberland, MD) is invalid.
Learning Curve (The First Years)
Attn: Multiple Birth Program
2021 9th St. SE
Dyersville, IA 52040
There are a couple addresses for Learning Curve & First Years, THIS ADDRESS is the only working address!!!! I emailed first, said to send BCs and letter and they will send “special gifts for babies to enjoy”. Sent on 8/10/11. Rec’d on 8/22/11- big box with 3 sets of 5 TOMY (formerly Learning Curve Brands) take & toss sippy cups and 3 little carseat toys (ones you hook on, make animal sounds, VERY cute!)
LUVS Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Company
Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201 Emailed 8/9/11 (Luvs & Pampers are both P&G companies) Email back said to send proof of birth and letter requesting program, to EITHER Luvs OR Pampers to get coupons, I sent out to BOTH on 8/11/11
Little Tikes
Emailed, NO PROGRAM.
Leap Frog
Emailed, 15% off ALL online orders, but expires 8/30/11. Promo code: 15LEAPFCS
McNeil Consumer Healthcare (TYLENOL)
Info online:
Call: 1(866) 565-2229 option 1
Call for New Parents Pack. Go online to print coupons.Rec’d on 8/22/11-from Consumer Care Center: 3-$2 off Mylicon product, 3-$1 off any Tylenol product, and 3-$1 off any Children’s/Infants/Junior Tylenol product. (all have NO expiration!)
Mead & Johnson (Enfamil)
Email thru Enfamil website.
The hospital we were at gave us vouchers, one per child, to call to request a case (6 8oz cans of powder) of free formula. (Enfacare 22 cal) Called Monday, and rec’d 3 cases by Friday. (can also request premade bottles/cans). When I spoke to the rep, they told me to ask my Pedi if they are enrolled in the Enfamil Mult. Birth Prog.-mine is, they called for me, and called on 8/9 to tell me that they will be sending 9 MORE cases of powder formula! (can take up to 2wks) I also emailed, and rec’d check for $5 off formula. (when you call they can enroll you in their mailing list to receive mailings/coups) Rec'd anotehr $5 off check on 8/19/11.
Nature’s Goodness
Products Discontinued
Nursery Water Promotions
Emailed 8/9/11, Still no response
Nestle Goodstart
Ocean Spray MAIL TO:
Attn: Consumer Affairs Dept
Ocean Spray
1 Ocean Spray Dr.
Lakeville-Middleborough, MA 02349
Send proof of birth and will mail coupons.
1(800) 274-8440 10% off telephone orders, mention you have multiples. Can register online to receive their catalog.
Payless Shoes
No longer offer free shoes as of 1/1/2003!! But I emailed corporate and they said they would be mailing me coupons on 8/11/11. Rec’d coupons 8/15/11-4 coupons for $2 off $9.99 purchase in store or online.
Playskool (Hasbro)
1(800) 753-9755 Emailed, 8/9/11, email rec’d 8/15/11-do not offer multiple birth prog. but will send coupons.8/20/11- rec’d 3 $10 off $10.99 or more purchase of any Cranium/Hasbro game or toy! (Good deal!) All good until 6/30/12.
Playtex Products/International Playtex (AKA Energizer Personal Care)
www.playtexbaby.comEmailed Playtex 8/9/11, rec’d email 8/10/11, said they would send coupons. On 8/13/11 I rec’d 2 coupons for $ off of new Diaper Genie II/Elite or Refills, and 1 coupon for $ off of any Playtex Product. This is all they offer as of 1/1/2009
Pampers Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Co.
Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Emailed and said they will send coupons. Mailed on 8/11/11. Rec’d coupons: 2-free pack of Pamper’s Diapers/Pants up to $13.99, 2-$5 off pack of Pampers up to $9, 3-$2 off Pack of Pampers Diapers/Pants up to $9, 4- $1 off Pack of Pamper’s wipes, and 2-$1 off any Dreft.
Polly Klass Foundation
Can order Child Safety Kit online, good for 1-2 children, but you can download more online.
Ringling Brother’s Circus
Mail To:
Baby’s First Circus Program
Feld Entertainment, Inc
8607 Westwood Center Dr.
Vienna, VA 22182
Register ONLINE. Baby’s 1st Circus Program- complete the online reg. for each child (must be under 12m old) and print and MAIL to address with proof of birth. All instructions are online. Share this with singleton parents as well, who have Los under 1, they can register too and receive a voucher for a free ticket that NEVER expires!!!
Regal & Lager, Inc. No.
2305 Breton Industrial Park Dr. SE
Kentwood, MI 49508
Emailed 8/9/11
Scholastic Books
Emailed 8/9/11, can get Parent/Child magazine for 9 months for $10.99/subscription.
KidVantage-register in store, spend $100 get 15% off next purchase, Wear Out Warranty, see details online.
Sensational Beginnings Catalog
customerservice@sb-kids.comEmailed 8/15/11-responded same day, offer 10% off all orders for multiples, they marked my “file” as such and sent out a catalog. Rec’d first catalog & letter explaining how to order with discount on 8/19/11.
Summer Infant Products
No longer offer Multiples Program, can register online for their e-mailings
Totally Toddler
P.O. Box 227215
Dallas, TX 75222-7215
Emailed 8/9/11, no response, will send BC and letter anyway, to see if they still mail good stuff!
I've included MOST of the address/#s on the list from our FB page, and just updated whether or not they still do anything. As I hear back I will add/change things! So keep checking back!
Last updated 8/22/11.
American Baby Basket
Gift Headquarters
P.O. Box 734
New York, NY 10113-073
Sent BC out 8/15/11
Build-a-Bear“Stuff for Stuff” online member sign-up
Receive a birthday certificate each year can add up to 6 family members
Baby Einstein
1(800) 793-1454 or 1(818) 265-6050
Received an email saying there is NO multiples program, but to join online newsletter mailing list and they have a Parents Panel for testing new toys (haven’t pursued YET)
I emailed them, thru contact form on website
Rec’d email 3 days later saying they will send New Parent Packet w/feeding info & 3x the coupons (for triplets), can also go online for more coupons but need 3 emails to get 3x the coupons online. I mentioned in my letter we have a 2yo and they sent toddler food coups as well.
Rec’d 2 days after email in snail mail: New Parent Pack with feeding info, many coups for all different stage foods, and toddler stacks, also Rewards Program info (save UPCs and mail in for more coups!)
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
Multiple Birth Program
2400 W. Lloy Expressway
Evansville, IN 47721
1(800) 332-2056
Emailed thru website, rec’d email that said to call and provide more info
Boudreauex’s Butt Paste
Mail to:
Blairex Laboratories, Inc.
1600 Brian Drive
Columbus, IN 47201-2127
Attn: Multiple Birth Program
I sent email 8/6/11 and got an answer 8/8/11- will send a care pkg w/proof of birth, mailed Birth Certs and letter 8/10/11. Rec’d on 8/19/11- 6 sample sized ointment packets, each with $1 off coupon, 2- 2oz tubes of ointment, 1-4oz tube of ointment, 3- “Baby Kisses” lip/cheek moisturizer (lip balm) and 3 Boudreaux’s Butt Paste bibs!
Bright Starts (also Kids II)
“Generation Moms”-sign up online to test new products and share your opinions.
NO multiples discounts, register online for their “Celebration Club” and get coupons
Children’s Place
NO multiples discounts, register online for Birthday Club and get 15% off coupon
Emailed, said to register online for coupons
Enfamil (See Mead & Johnson)
Earth’s Best Baby Food
Earth’s Best Consumer Relations
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc
4600 Sleepytime Dr.
Boulder, CO 80301
Emailed Earth’s Best 8/10/11
Emailed Hain Celestial Group 8/11/11
Evenflo Products
Emailed, NO LONGER offer multiples program, go to website for info & coupons
The First Years/Learning Curve
Emailed 8/7/11, joined email list, rec’d email from Learning Curve
Graco Children’s Products, Inc.
Emailed, NO programs/offers
Gerber/Goodstart Formula
Multiple Birth Program
445 State Street
Freemont, MI 49413
Emailed 8/9/11, rec’d email 8/11/11 just info about website, Sent copies of BC and letter on 8/11/11 anyway and rec’d on 8/13/11- 3 newborn onesies & coupons for Goodstart formula and $10 off any 1 or more Gerber food, water or beverage products!
Halo Sleepsack
Phone: 1 (888) 999-4526 ext 119
Buy one get one ½ off, Twins discount. Have to call customer service and order over the phone, tell them you have multiples.
Heinz Baby Food
P.O. Box 57
Pittsburg, PA 15230-0057
Email was for Canada only, so I sent in copies of BCs and letter on 8/10/11
Sent email 8/15/11
Some discounts posted online at times, “Test & Tell” Mom program, register online.
iplay (green sprouts) baby wear
Email: customercare@iplaybabywear.comGave me a Promo code for 20% off entire online order.
Johnson & Johnson, responded to go to website, they do not offer any Multiples Programs. Offer coupons online from time to time, and lots of advice.
JPMA Safe & Sound
236 Rt. 389 W.
Suite 100
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Emailed 8/9/11, still no response. Will send letter & BCs.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (aka HUGGIES)
Multiple Birth Program
Dept QMB-016294800A
P.O. Box 2020
Neenah, WI 54957
Sent email, said to send copies of BCs and letter requesting Multiple Birth Program-mailed 8/11/11. Rec’d 8/22/11- 3-$6off any pkg of Huggies diapers, 3-$3off any Huggies product, and 3-$1off any Huggies product.
Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc.
Attention Donations
10832 NC Hwy 211 E
Aberdeen, NC 28315
Emailed 8/8/11, no response (unless it was emailed with an unfamiliar name) Sent in letter and BCs anyway on 8/11/11
Little Me Multiple Birth Program
112 W 34th St.
Suite 1000
New York, NY 10120
Attn: Amanda Gaynor
8/7/11-emailed, rec’d email 8/8/11-send letter and proof of birth to address and will send a “welcome to the world” gift. Other address (Cumberland, MD) is invalid.
Learning Curve (The First Years)
Attn: Multiple Birth Program
2021 9th St. SE
Dyersville, IA 52040
There are a couple addresses for Learning Curve & First Years, THIS ADDRESS is the only working address!!!! I emailed first, said to send BCs and letter and they will send “special gifts for babies to enjoy”. Sent on 8/10/11. Rec’d on 8/22/11- big box with 3 sets of 5 TOMY (formerly Learning Curve Brands) take & toss sippy cups and 3 little carseat toys (ones you hook on, make animal sounds, VERY cute!)
LUVS Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Company
Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201 Emailed 8/9/11 (Luvs & Pampers are both P&G companies) Email back said to send proof of birth and letter requesting program, to EITHER Luvs OR Pampers to get coupons, I sent out to BOTH on 8/11/11
Little Tikes
Emailed, NO PROGRAM.
Leap Frog
Emailed, 15% off ALL online orders, but expires 8/30/11. Promo code: 15LEAPFCS
McNeil Consumer Healthcare (TYLENOL)
Info online:
Call: 1(866) 565-2229 option 1
Call for New Parents Pack. Go online to print coupons.Rec’d on 8/22/11-from Consumer Care Center: 3-$2 off Mylicon product, 3-$1 off any Tylenol product, and 3-$1 off any Children’s/Infants/Junior Tylenol product. (all have NO expiration!)
Mead & Johnson (Enfamil)
Email thru Enfamil website.
The hospital we were at gave us vouchers, one per child, to call to request a case (6 8oz cans of powder) of free formula. (Enfacare 22 cal) Called Monday, and rec’d 3 cases by Friday. (can also request premade bottles/cans). When I spoke to the rep, they told me to ask my Pedi if they are enrolled in the Enfamil Mult. Birth Prog.-mine is, they called for me, and called on 8/9 to tell me that they will be sending 9 MORE cases of powder formula! (can take up to 2wks) I also emailed, and rec’d check for $5 off formula. (when you call they can enroll you in their mailing list to receive mailings/coups) Rec'd anotehr $5 off check on 8/19/11.
Nature’s Goodness
Products Discontinued
Nursery Water Promotions
Emailed 8/9/11, Still no response
Nestle Goodstart
Ocean Spray MAIL TO:
Attn: Consumer Affairs Dept
Ocean Spray
1 Ocean Spray Dr.
Lakeville-Middleborough, MA 02349
Send proof of birth and will mail coupons.
1(800) 274-8440 10% off telephone orders, mention you have multiples. Can register online to receive their catalog.
Payless Shoes
No longer offer free shoes as of 1/1/2003!! But I emailed corporate and they said they would be mailing me coupons on 8/11/11. Rec’d coupons 8/15/11-4 coupons for $2 off $9.99 purchase in store or online.
Playskool (Hasbro)
1(800) 753-9755 Emailed, 8/9/11, email rec’d 8/15/11-do not offer multiple birth prog. but will send coupons.8/20/11- rec’d 3 $10 off $10.99 or more purchase of any Cranium/Hasbro game or toy! (Good deal!) All good until 6/30/12.
Playtex Products/International Playtex (AKA Energizer Personal Care)
www.playtexbaby.comEmailed Playtex 8/9/11, rec’d email 8/10/11, said they would send coupons. On 8/13/11 I rec’d 2 coupons for $ off of new Diaper Genie II/Elite or Refills, and 1 coupon for $ off of any Playtex Product. This is all they offer as of 1/1/2009
Pampers Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Co.
Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Emailed and said they will send coupons. Mailed on 8/11/11. Rec’d coupons: 2-free pack of Pamper’s Diapers/Pants up to $13.99, 2-$5 off pack of Pampers up to $9, 3-$2 off Pack of Pampers Diapers/Pants up to $9, 4- $1 off Pack of Pamper’s wipes, and 2-$1 off any Dreft.
Polly Klass Foundation
Can order Child Safety Kit online, good for 1-2 children, but you can download more online.
Ringling Brother’s Circus
Mail To:
Baby’s First Circus Program
Feld Entertainment, Inc
8607 Westwood Center Dr.
Vienna, VA 22182
Register ONLINE. Baby’s 1st Circus Program- complete the online reg. for each child (must be under 12m old) and print and MAIL to address with proof of birth. All instructions are online. Share this with singleton parents as well, who have Los under 1, they can register too and receive a voucher for a free ticket that NEVER expires!!!
Regal & Lager, Inc. No.
2305 Breton Industrial Park Dr. SE
Kentwood, MI 49508
Emailed 8/9/11
Scholastic Books
Emailed 8/9/11, can get Parent/Child magazine for 9 months for $10.99/subscription.
KidVantage-register in store, spend $100 get 15% off next purchase, Wear Out Warranty, see details online.
Sensational Beginnings Catalog
customerservice@sb-kids.comEmailed 8/15/11-responded same day, offer 10% off all orders for multiples, they marked my “file” as such and sent out a catalog. Rec’d first catalog & letter explaining how to order with discount on 8/19/11.
Summer Infant Products
No longer offer Multiples Program, can register online for their e-mailings
Totally Toddler
P.O. Box 227215
Dallas, TX 75222-7215
Emailed 8/9/11, no response, will send BC and letter anyway, to see if they still mail good stuff!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
One Month down!
Owen, Lyla & Noah are 1 month old today!!
They're all home and doing really great! Owen & Lyla came home on Weds August 3rd, and Noah folled that Sunday, August 7th! We are so excited that they came home so quickly! The week the came home they were moved to the Special Care Nursery at Highland Hospital, they really pushed the feedings by bottle, and that really helped them to come home so soon!
Each of them has their own little personality. Owen is a HUGE pound bigger, than his little brother, and eats like a champ! He's taking 3oz each feeding and eats almost every 3.5-4 hours like clockwork. Lyla is between 2-3 oz and we decided after a few days of feeding her every hour or 2, that we will just let her DEMAND her feeding, basically screaming to eat, that way she'll take 2+ ounces and then be satisfied for at LEAST 3 hours, if not a little longer. She's got a really loud cry, so we really know when she is truly hungry! Noah is the smallest, but eating 2oz per feeding. Since he is smaller, we do wake him every 3.5 hours if he doesn't on his own. He's on a higher calorie mixture of the formula, so he's having some trouble with keeping it down, spitting up a lot, and having possible reflux issues. He's now on meds for the reflux, so hopefully over the next week we'll see some improvements.
My WONDERFUL mother is basically living with us during the week. She's been here since Noah came home and Andy returned to work on Tuesday, Aug 9th. She helps me all day long, and wakes up with me in the overnights, and we take turns with feedings. I love having her here, but she can't do it forever. I hope she enjoys being around as much as I love having her! She is really helping us so much!
Emmalee loves her little brothers and sister. She thinks they are "sooo cute"! She loves to softly touch their heads, and point to all their body parts. Especially their eyes! If they're sleeping she yells: "Wake UP!" It's really cute now, until they really start waking up when she does it, right?!
I can't believe they're a month old already! It's flown by!
They're all home and doing really great! Owen & Lyla came home on Weds August 3rd, and Noah folled that Sunday, August 7th! We are so excited that they came home so quickly! The week the came home they were moved to the Special Care Nursery at Highland Hospital, they really pushed the feedings by bottle, and that really helped them to come home so soon!
Each of them has their own little personality. Owen is a HUGE pound bigger, than his little brother, and eats like a champ! He's taking 3oz each feeding and eats almost every 3.5-4 hours like clockwork. Lyla is between 2-3 oz and we decided after a few days of feeding her every hour or 2, that we will just let her DEMAND her feeding, basically screaming to eat, that way she'll take 2+ ounces and then be satisfied for at LEAST 3 hours, if not a little longer. She's got a really loud cry, so we really know when she is truly hungry! Noah is the smallest, but eating 2oz per feeding. Since he is smaller, we do wake him every 3.5 hours if he doesn't on his own. He's on a higher calorie mixture of the formula, so he's having some trouble with keeping it down, spitting up a lot, and having possible reflux issues. He's now on meds for the reflux, so hopefully over the next week we'll see some improvements.
My WONDERFUL mother is basically living with us during the week. She's been here since Noah came home and Andy returned to work on Tuesday, Aug 9th. She helps me all day long, and wakes up with me in the overnights, and we take turns with feedings. I love having her here, but she can't do it forever. I hope she enjoys being around as much as I love having her! She is really helping us so much!
Emmalee loves her little brothers and sister. She thinks they are "sooo cute"! She loves to softly touch their heads, and point to all their body parts. Especially their eyes! If they're sleeping she yells: "Wake UP!" It's really cute now, until they really start waking up when she does it, right?!
I can't believe they're a month old already! It's flown by!
Monday, July 18, 2011
When false become true labor!
I'm posting this AS IS, I wrote it up a day or two after delivery, at say, 1am...soooo I have no idea what I wrote. But it's better that's REAL!
3 weeks after my first visit to Labor and Delivery I returned with more contractions that were stronger and more regular. They did monitoring and decided to keep me over night. I dreaded calling because I had a feeling they would want to keep me, and I did not want to stay.
This visit only lasted one night, and I didn't get to eat the entire time I was in the hospital. I was ready to eat someone's head off!!! They sent me home to go to my next appointment, a few days later and to call if I felt any of those "signs of labor". Which is what I was doing each other time. I of course was having real contractions, they just weren't changing my cervix, therefore, they were only preterm uterine contractions and not preterm labor.
I had a good visit, the babies measured A & B over 4lbs and C 3lb 12oz. So I was to continue carrying as long as possible. A week later I had another office visit. The night before this visit contractions started again, more painful than ever before, very sharp and low in my pelvis. I waited until my appointment to tell the nurse, rather than call that night. She felt it would be a good idea to check me to see if I had made any cervical change, which I did not, and my cervix was still very high. After my appointment the contractions continued to be sharp and low.
Throughout the day I decided to keep track of my contractions, and knew that the nurse would be calling with bloodwork results from that morning later on. I had quite a few contractions, and they were lasting more than 30-45 seconds, and they were happening every 2-6 minutes. When the nurse called, I was lying down, and decided I should mention that since I left the appointment the contractions were continuing to get worse. I brought up the chance that it could have been induced by her checking me earlier, and she said possibly, but that it would have subsided by this time and that I really should go in to triage to be monitored again, just in case I was progressing. I called Andy to have him come home.
During all this my mother was with me, taking care of Emmalee and me, and she took Emmalee over to her house for the evening while we went to triage. I, as usual, was hooked up to monitors, which made the contractions more uncomfortable, and they had a really difficult time finding all 3 babies. They were doing ultrasounds, and for over an hour and a half, were unsuccessful, so finally I asked for a break. When I arrived, before the monitoring started they checked my cervix, it was still closed and thick and high. So no change. After they gave up the monitoring, Dr. G came in and decided to monitor the babies thru ultrasound for several minutes. When she was satisfied, she checked my cervix again, and again, there was no change. She told me I could go home, and call if anything changed or got worse, or I could stay and be monitored over night. I chose to go home, as anyone would! One thing she said was if you cannot sleep thru the contractions, that is a reason to call.
So of course, I couldn't sleep thru the contractions that night. They were unbearable by morning and coming every 2-3 minutes like clockwork. Eventually I got out of bed and went to the recliner. This didn't help, they actually were steadily 2 minutes apart and hurt more than when I was lying down. I decided I'd better call. (Meanwhile Emmalee is calling from her room, "Mommy! Mommy! Kay??? Mommy Kay???" She knew that I was not okay.)
I called and Dr. Hackney was on for that day. He said the only way to know if it was true labor was to come in again. I agreed as long as he promised I wouldn't have to be monitored. He said we could work that out. We called my Dad and he came to get Emmalee. While waiting for him I took a quick shower, contracting still every 2 minutes. Got dressed, and waited for them to get Emmalee and we all headed out the door at 9am.
On the way to the hospital I continued feeling the horribly painful contractions and started feeling a kicking very low in my cervix area. Really, baby A had to start right now?! We parked in the garage and Andy went and got me a wheelchair because I could definately not walk. I hid my horrible expressions as he wheeled me in. We got to triage and they had me do a sterile urine sample. When I wiped there was blood on the paper. I told the resident who was getting ready to check me. She said that this might mean my cervix was opening. Oh great, I thought, I don't want to have these babies yet. But again, at least I'll have a good reason for these horrible contractions other than irritable uterus!
The resident checked my cervix and had a strange look on her face. "I think what I am feeling is a bag of water and a foot." "WHAT!? What does that mean?" I asked. "Well that means you labored all night and your cervix is fully dialated." Uh. What? She wanted a 2nd opinion, so she called another resident, who concurred. There was no cervix, I was fully dialated, and Baby A was pretty much dangling right there. That's when the choas began. Dr. Hackney was suddenly between my legs, assessing the situation. There were nurses on either side of me checking my arms for a good spot for my IV. Then there were anestesiologist, telling me what to expect from a spinal, or the possibility of being put under because we might not have time for that. They had me lean forward and bend my back to see if the place for a spinal was good. Then I laid back down, where a resident shoved a paper about the c-section proceedure in my face to sign. The contractions continuing to get worse.
The IV was in, the were about to start pulling my bed out of the triage and then; "Oh my God! I think he's coming out!!! He is, I have to push I can't help it, he's going to come out!" Sure enough Baby A was starting to come down the birth canal, breech (feet first). I had to push and the bag of water exploded all over everyone at my feet. They were trying to pull the bottom of the bed off, and get my feet into position, but I kept yelling that I have to push, they kept telling me not to, and to lift my leg. "I CAN'T!!!!! IT HURTS!!!" Then I had to push more, and they finally wanted me to and it seemed like I wasn't going to be able to get his head out. But finally, the pain stopped, and he was out. I saw him briefly, he wasn't making any sounds or moving, they took him away to the NICU quickly.
They got my bed back together in seconds and started wheeling me down to the O.R. to continue my delivery. They were getting an ultrasound ready to see if Lyla (baby B) was presenting head down to continue with vaginal delivery. "No! I want to have a c-section, I can't deliver any more of them like that, it hurts too much!" Lucky for me, she was also breech, and the anestisologists were making me chug a weird drink, and had me sucking in some gas, and I was out.
I woke up around 11am in a new place, with new faces asking me how I feel, telling me I'm done with delivering my babies and am in recovery. It didn't take long for me to come to. Then I started asking about where Andy was, they assumed with the babies. And they were telling me that they were told all the babies were doing well and in the NICU. I about an hour or so in the recovery, waiting for a bed. The people down there were very nice, especially my nurse, a man name Nuny (Noon-y). While he kept me company and continued to check me, I was noticing I had a very scratchy throat. I realized they had to stick a tube down my throat to help me breathe during the delivery, since I was put under. It didn't really hurt, just felt annoying, like when you lose your voice. They gave me the wonderful ice chips.
Finally I got a room. Room 3-1221 in the High-Risk OB recovery wing. Andy walked in shortly after I got into the room. Followed by my parents and sisters and Andy's parents. Andy of course, and both our parents had all gotten to go into the NICU and see the babies. I was of course jealous, but obviously I had to recover, so I got over it and didn't dwell. Andy then took my sisters in to see the babies. Only 2 visitors other than parents and grandparent per day. They came back with pictures and I got to "see" my beautiful babies finally! Baby A- Owen Stuart was 4lbs 10.5oz and 18.5inches long! Baby B- Lyla Rose was 4lbs 5oz and 16.5inches long. Baby C- Noah Thomas was 4lbs 3.5oz and 16 3/8 inches long. They were all HUGE for triplets and especially triplets born at 32weeks 2days!
Everyone went home to let us settle in for the evening. I was on morphine and some other IV drug, and in a lot of dull pain from the incision and from my uterus contracting down. Had a catheter in, so it was nice I didn't have to worry about going to the bathroom!
3 weeks after my first visit to Labor and Delivery I returned with more contractions that were stronger and more regular. They did monitoring and decided to keep me over night. I dreaded calling because I had a feeling they would want to keep me, and I did not want to stay.
This visit only lasted one night, and I didn't get to eat the entire time I was in the hospital. I was ready to eat someone's head off!!! They sent me home to go to my next appointment, a few days later and to call if I felt any of those "signs of labor". Which is what I was doing each other time. I of course was having real contractions, they just weren't changing my cervix, therefore, they were only preterm uterine contractions and not preterm labor.
I had a good visit, the babies measured A & B over 4lbs and C 3lb 12oz. So I was to continue carrying as long as possible. A week later I had another office visit. The night before this visit contractions started again, more painful than ever before, very sharp and low in my pelvis. I waited until my appointment to tell the nurse, rather than call that night. She felt it would be a good idea to check me to see if I had made any cervical change, which I did not, and my cervix was still very high. After my appointment the contractions continued to be sharp and low.
Throughout the day I decided to keep track of my contractions, and knew that the nurse would be calling with bloodwork results from that morning later on. I had quite a few contractions, and they were lasting more than 30-45 seconds, and they were happening every 2-6 minutes. When the nurse called, I was lying down, and decided I should mention that since I left the appointment the contractions were continuing to get worse. I brought up the chance that it could have been induced by her checking me earlier, and she said possibly, but that it would have subsided by this time and that I really should go in to triage to be monitored again, just in case I was progressing. I called Andy to have him come home.
During all this my mother was with me, taking care of Emmalee and me, and she took Emmalee over to her house for the evening while we went to triage. I, as usual, was hooked up to monitors, which made the contractions more uncomfortable, and they had a really difficult time finding all 3 babies. They were doing ultrasounds, and for over an hour and a half, were unsuccessful, so finally I asked for a break. When I arrived, before the monitoring started they checked my cervix, it was still closed and thick and high. So no change. After they gave up the monitoring, Dr. G came in and decided to monitor the babies thru ultrasound for several minutes. When she was satisfied, she checked my cervix again, and again, there was no change. She told me I could go home, and call if anything changed or got worse, or I could stay and be monitored over night. I chose to go home, as anyone would! One thing she said was if you cannot sleep thru the contractions, that is a reason to call.
So of course, I couldn't sleep thru the contractions that night. They were unbearable by morning and coming every 2-3 minutes like clockwork. Eventually I got out of bed and went to the recliner. This didn't help, they actually were steadily 2 minutes apart and hurt more than when I was lying down. I decided I'd better call. (Meanwhile Emmalee is calling from her room, "Mommy! Mommy! Kay??? Mommy Kay???" She knew that I was not okay.)
I called and Dr. Hackney was on for that day. He said the only way to know if it was true labor was to come in again. I agreed as long as he promised I wouldn't have to be monitored. He said we could work that out. We called my Dad and he came to get Emmalee. While waiting for him I took a quick shower, contracting still every 2 minutes. Got dressed, and waited for them to get Emmalee and we all headed out the door at 9am.
On the way to the hospital I continued feeling the horribly painful contractions and started feeling a kicking very low in my cervix area. Really, baby A had to start right now?! We parked in the garage and Andy went and got me a wheelchair because I could definately not walk. I hid my horrible expressions as he wheeled me in. We got to triage and they had me do a sterile urine sample. When I wiped there was blood on the paper. I told the resident who was getting ready to check me. She said that this might mean my cervix was opening. Oh great, I thought, I don't want to have these babies yet. But again, at least I'll have a good reason for these horrible contractions other than irritable uterus!
The resident checked my cervix and had a strange look on her face. "I think what I am feeling is a bag of water and a foot." "WHAT!? What does that mean?" I asked. "Well that means you labored all night and your cervix is fully dialated." Uh. What? She wanted a 2nd opinion, so she called another resident, who concurred. There was no cervix, I was fully dialated, and Baby A was pretty much dangling right there. That's when the choas began. Dr. Hackney was suddenly between my legs, assessing the situation. There were nurses on either side of me checking my arms for a good spot for my IV. Then there were anestesiologist, telling me what to expect from a spinal, or the possibility of being put under because we might not have time for that. They had me lean forward and bend my back to see if the place for a spinal was good. Then I laid back down, where a resident shoved a paper about the c-section proceedure in my face to sign. The contractions continuing to get worse.
The IV was in, the were about to start pulling my bed out of the triage and then; "Oh my God! I think he's coming out!!! He is, I have to push I can't help it, he's going to come out!" Sure enough Baby A was starting to come down the birth canal, breech (feet first). I had to push and the bag of water exploded all over everyone at my feet. They were trying to pull the bottom of the bed off, and get my feet into position, but I kept yelling that I have to push, they kept telling me not to, and to lift my leg. "I CAN'T!!!!! IT HURTS!!!" Then I had to push more, and they finally wanted me to and it seemed like I wasn't going to be able to get his head out. But finally, the pain stopped, and he was out. I saw him briefly, he wasn't making any sounds or moving, they took him away to the NICU quickly.
They got my bed back together in seconds and started wheeling me down to the O.R. to continue my delivery. They were getting an ultrasound ready to see if Lyla (baby B) was presenting head down to continue with vaginal delivery. "No! I want to have a c-section, I can't deliver any more of them like that, it hurts too much!" Lucky for me, she was also breech, and the anestisologists were making me chug a weird drink, and had me sucking in some gas, and I was out.
I woke up around 11am in a new place, with new faces asking me how I feel, telling me I'm done with delivering my babies and am in recovery. It didn't take long for me to come to. Then I started asking about where Andy was, they assumed with the babies. And they were telling me that they were told all the babies were doing well and in the NICU. I about an hour or so in the recovery, waiting for a bed. The people down there were very nice, especially my nurse, a man name Nuny (Noon-y). While he kept me company and continued to check me, I was noticing I had a very scratchy throat. I realized they had to stick a tube down my throat to help me breathe during the delivery, since I was put under. It didn't really hurt, just felt annoying, like when you lose your voice. They gave me the wonderful ice chips.
Finally I got a room. Room 3-1221 in the High-Risk OB recovery wing. Andy walked in shortly after I got into the room. Followed by my parents and sisters and Andy's parents. Andy of course, and both our parents had all gotten to go into the NICU and see the babies. I was of course jealous, but obviously I had to recover, so I got over it and didn't dwell. Andy then took my sisters in to see the babies. Only 2 visitors other than parents and grandparent per day. They came back with pictures and I got to "see" my beautiful babies finally! Baby A- Owen Stuart was 4lbs 10.5oz and 18.5inches long! Baby B- Lyla Rose was 4lbs 5oz and 16.5inches long. Baby C- Noah Thomas was 4lbs 3.5oz and 16 3/8 inches long. They were all HUGE for triplets and especially triplets born at 32weeks 2days!
Everyone went home to let us settle in for the evening. I was on morphine and some other IV drug, and in a lot of dull pain from the incision and from my uterus contracting down. Had a catheter in, so it was nice I didn't have to worry about going to the bathroom!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Pre-term Scare
So Thursday (6/16) was the 28 week mark! I think I may have even posted about reaching my first HUGE milestone in this pregnancy...Thursday evening things turned around.
After dinner, as we usually do every night, we were sitting in the livingroom watching tv with Emmalee and contractions were going. I had been having a few here and there the past couple days, but nothing to cause alarm. I decided after having 3 in about a 30 minute span to start writing them down. I only wrote a few down because after that 3 I had 5 more within the next half hour. They weren't painful, but very uncomfortable and took a little bit of my breath away each time.
I was back and forth about calling. I didn't want to go in for no reason, and even more so, I did NOT want to be in labor. I decided I'd call, and they wanted to see me. Andy's dad came over to sit with Emmalee, who was ready for bed soon, while we went in. We were thinking they'd check me out, a few hours tops.
I was a wreck. Crying of course, and just terrified that these babies were coming too soon. We checked in, got put right into triage and they started hooking up the baby monitors. This took hours because there are 3, it's harder to keep all the monitors on my belly without them moving...and the kiddos were moving all around as well. The pushing and tight belts holding the monitors on were not helping contractions fact, they were getting closer together and stronger.
The Attending OB/GYN had to check things out, and discovered I was 1cm dialated (which if you know anything isn't very uncommon to be 1cm for months and months) but my reaction was just tears. I was hoping to hear that I wasn't dialating at all, and these were just Braxton-Hicks (false) contractions. I was not effaced at all (thinning) so that was very good. They would check me again in an hour to see if the contractions were progressing, which would me Pre-term Labor.
Of course when I first arrived they took my blood pressure (BP) and it was sky rocketing because of how worked up and freaked out I was. But there was also protein in my urine so they wanted to rule out Pre-Eclampsia, which is a dangerous thing to occur in pregnancy. After the first BP, the rest were quite normal. So they thought I would be okay.
At around 11pm they checked me again, no change, still 1cm and 0% effaced. A very good sign. So I was not in Pre-term Labor I was just having pre-term uterine contractions, mostly likely because I've got 3 babies and am the size of a full-term mother of 1! So my uterus is just not liking the stretching anymore. So what does this mean? It means I could have contractions for the rest of my pregnancy.
The doctors decided to keep me overnight for observation of the babies and myself, they wanted to give me a steroid to help speed up the development of the babies' lungs just in case things took a turn for the worst. Also they wanted to collect my urine for 24 hours to rule out Pre-Eclampsia for sure. So I didn't start the collection til 1am and didn't get the first of 2 shots (which have to be 24hrs apart) until 1am also. So my overnight was quickly turned into 2 nights. (Not happy).
Contractions continued thru Thursday night into Friday morning. But were not as strong and often. A very good sign. They were also giving me an oral medication to help slow/stop contractions. Didn't seem to work until later Friday. Every 4 hours they would check the babies with the monitors, and the contractions would get stronger. After my 7am check, they decided I could be taken off the IV fluids, and stop monitoring the babies as much, and most of all, I COULD EAT!
I got moved to a different room before lunch, and here they would continue monitoring every 4 hours, but just thru the doppler and get a quick heartrate count for each baby. This was much better, and contractions were pretty much done at this point. I was just exhausted because I didn't sleep at all, and very uncomfortable.
My mother and sister brought up Emmalee for a short visit. I was so happy to see her, I cried of course. All this was so unexpected it was very hard to leave her, but thank God for the family we have, taking such good care of her on such short notice.
I basically just had to wait around, sitting in hospital bedrest until the next day when they would give me the 2nd steroid shot and get the results from my 24 hour urine collection. It was the longest stay ever. We did have more visitors, my sister and her husband and our friends E & A came. It really helped relieve some of the annoyance of being there.
Around 11pm Friday night I felt really weird, hot all of a sudden. I think the exhaustion finally hit me and I just had to sleep. I did until 1am, when they gave me the next shot, then went back to sleep again until 5am for my next vitals/baby check. It was what I needed for sure. It's just so hard to sleep pregnant in my own bed, and hospital beds are NOT comfortable I don't care what anyone says.
At 5:30am I put on a movie and waited for Andy to wake up. (He stayed with me both nights, thank uncomfortable as he was I'm sure. I couldn't have been there alone.) At 6am, a resident came in to let us know that the Attending would be in to discharge us and let us know what to do from here. (She said 15 minutes). They didn't come until 10am. Annoyed. So finally they came. No checking my cervix, thank goodness, and they were just waiting on my 24 hr collection results. 11:15 we finally got the discharge papers and were set FREE!
I am to remain on modified bedrest until my next Dr's appointment Monday the 27th. I cannot lift Emmalee (so I have to have help every day this week), and I am to basically stay sitting/laying down except for the bathroom and to get food/drinks. It stinks, but luckily I have people willing and able to help! And this is the last week of work for my mom and MIL and so that means they'll be able to come if I have to continue this from here on out the rest of my pregnancy. It's very hard not picking up Emmalee, luckily she can climb on my chair and sit next to me.
I'm terrified the contractions will start again and be worse. I'm terrified something ELSE will go wrong. I just want these babies to stay in for 6 more weeks. PLEASE God, keep them cooking!
After dinner, as we usually do every night, we were sitting in the livingroom watching tv with Emmalee and contractions were going. I had been having a few here and there the past couple days, but nothing to cause alarm. I decided after having 3 in about a 30 minute span to start writing them down. I only wrote a few down because after that 3 I had 5 more within the next half hour. They weren't painful, but very uncomfortable and took a little bit of my breath away each time.
I was back and forth about calling. I didn't want to go in for no reason, and even more so, I did NOT want to be in labor. I decided I'd call, and they wanted to see me. Andy's dad came over to sit with Emmalee, who was ready for bed soon, while we went in. We were thinking they'd check me out, a few hours tops.
I was a wreck. Crying of course, and just terrified that these babies were coming too soon. We checked in, got put right into triage and they started hooking up the baby monitors. This took hours because there are 3, it's harder to keep all the monitors on my belly without them moving...and the kiddos were moving all around as well. The pushing and tight belts holding the monitors on were not helping contractions fact, they were getting closer together and stronger.
The Attending OB/GYN had to check things out, and discovered I was 1cm dialated (which if you know anything isn't very uncommon to be 1cm for months and months) but my reaction was just tears. I was hoping to hear that I wasn't dialating at all, and these were just Braxton-Hicks (false) contractions. I was not effaced at all (thinning) so that was very good. They would check me again in an hour to see if the contractions were progressing, which would me Pre-term Labor.
Of course when I first arrived they took my blood pressure (BP) and it was sky rocketing because of how worked up and freaked out I was. But there was also protein in my urine so they wanted to rule out Pre-Eclampsia, which is a dangerous thing to occur in pregnancy. After the first BP, the rest were quite normal. So they thought I would be okay.
At around 11pm they checked me again, no change, still 1cm and 0% effaced. A very good sign. So I was not in Pre-term Labor I was just having pre-term uterine contractions, mostly likely because I've got 3 babies and am the size of a full-term mother of 1! So my uterus is just not liking the stretching anymore. So what does this mean? It means I could have contractions for the rest of my pregnancy.
The doctors decided to keep me overnight for observation of the babies and myself, they wanted to give me a steroid to help speed up the development of the babies' lungs just in case things took a turn for the worst. Also they wanted to collect my urine for 24 hours to rule out Pre-Eclampsia for sure. So I didn't start the collection til 1am and didn't get the first of 2 shots (which have to be 24hrs apart) until 1am also. So my overnight was quickly turned into 2 nights. (Not happy).
Contractions continued thru Thursday night into Friday morning. But were not as strong and often. A very good sign. They were also giving me an oral medication to help slow/stop contractions. Didn't seem to work until later Friday. Every 4 hours they would check the babies with the monitors, and the contractions would get stronger. After my 7am check, they decided I could be taken off the IV fluids, and stop monitoring the babies as much, and most of all, I COULD EAT!
I got moved to a different room before lunch, and here they would continue monitoring every 4 hours, but just thru the doppler and get a quick heartrate count for each baby. This was much better, and contractions were pretty much done at this point. I was just exhausted because I didn't sleep at all, and very uncomfortable.
My mother and sister brought up Emmalee for a short visit. I was so happy to see her, I cried of course. All this was so unexpected it was very hard to leave her, but thank God for the family we have, taking such good care of her on such short notice.
I basically just had to wait around, sitting in hospital bedrest until the next day when they would give me the 2nd steroid shot and get the results from my 24 hour urine collection. It was the longest stay ever. We did have more visitors, my sister and her husband and our friends E & A came. It really helped relieve some of the annoyance of being there.
Around 11pm Friday night I felt really weird, hot all of a sudden. I think the exhaustion finally hit me and I just had to sleep. I did until 1am, when they gave me the next shot, then went back to sleep again until 5am for my next vitals/baby check. It was what I needed for sure. It's just so hard to sleep pregnant in my own bed, and hospital beds are NOT comfortable I don't care what anyone says.
At 5:30am I put on a movie and waited for Andy to wake up. (He stayed with me both nights, thank uncomfortable as he was I'm sure. I couldn't have been there alone.) At 6am, a resident came in to let us know that the Attending would be in to discharge us and let us know what to do from here. (She said 15 minutes). They didn't come until 10am. Annoyed. So finally they came. No checking my cervix, thank goodness, and they were just waiting on my 24 hr collection results. 11:15 we finally got the discharge papers and were set FREE!
I am to remain on modified bedrest until my next Dr's appointment Monday the 27th. I cannot lift Emmalee (so I have to have help every day this week), and I am to basically stay sitting/laying down except for the bathroom and to get food/drinks. It stinks, but luckily I have people willing and able to help! And this is the last week of work for my mom and MIL and so that means they'll be able to come if I have to continue this from here on out the rest of my pregnancy. It's very hard not picking up Emmalee, luckily she can climb on my chair and sit next to me.
I'm terrified the contractions will start again and be worse. I'm terrified something ELSE will go wrong. I just want these babies to stay in for 6 more weeks. PLEASE God, keep them cooking!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Made it to 28 weeks!
So today I'm 28 weeks along. My Drs said this is the first milestone. So if the babies come anytime here on out we are looking pretty good.
My last appt. was last Friday. The boys each weighed 2lbs 4oz and Lyla weighed 2lbs 6oz! Big healthy babies!!!
I'm feeling very exhausted...due to lack of sleep. There is no good position to lay in now, and it makes it very difficult to function normally thru the day! Even more uncomfortable, hips, legs, belly, back, everything is achy! Luckily I passed my GTT and won't have to endure that again! BP is doing well so far and there are no other issues. I am choosing to sit around on my booty most of the day, because I get too winded doing much I get too uncomfortable.
Emmalee is doing well with this, she is obsessed with movies, especially Ice Age! She asks every day, many times per day, even 5min after we just watched it, "Baby? Watch?"!
Our parents threw us a shower for the Triplets this past weekend. It went really well. Our family and a handful a friends came and were so generous! We are pretty much ready for these kiddos to come!!!
My last appt. was last Friday. The boys each weighed 2lbs 4oz and Lyla weighed 2lbs 6oz! Big healthy babies!!!
I'm feeling very exhausted...due to lack of sleep. There is no good position to lay in now, and it makes it very difficult to function normally thru the day! Even more uncomfortable, hips, legs, belly, back, everything is achy! Luckily I passed my GTT and won't have to endure that again! BP is doing well so far and there are no other issues. I am choosing to sit around on my booty most of the day, because I get too winded doing much I get too uncomfortable.
Emmalee is doing well with this, she is obsessed with movies, especially Ice Age! She asks every day, many times per day, even 5min after we just watched it, "Baby? Watch?"!
Our parents threw us a shower for the Triplets this past weekend. It went really well. Our family and a handful a friends came and were so generous! We are pretty much ready for these kiddos to come!!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Feeling VERY pregnant all of a sudden
And more so than I felt even at the end with Emmalee!!!
I have lost my appetite again. Walking from one end of the house to the other is exhausting. Sleep is scarce, and getting out of bed in the mornings when Emmalee sounds her alarm ("Mommy...Mommmm-yyyyyy") is really, really hard! I overheat doing NOTHING...literally sitting there doing nothing, I sweat. Heartburn is an everyday, many times per day experience. Tums are my friends. Driving sucks, but I can still do I guess that's good. Cuddling with Emmalee is sometimes physically painful, and I hate to make her get off of me, but I have to. :( My emotions are out of control. I cried today because Andy told me he might be coming home later than usual. Um that's something new...and we need the $, but I'm just so exhausted in the afternoons I just want him HOME! I have many things I'd like to do, but absolutely no energy to do them.
Ready for these next 10wks to fly by. Uneventfully and successfully. Please.
I have lost my appetite again. Walking from one end of the house to the other is exhausting. Sleep is scarce, and getting out of bed in the mornings when Emmalee sounds her alarm ("Mommy...Mommmm-yyyyyy") is really, really hard! I overheat doing NOTHING...literally sitting there doing nothing, I sweat. Heartburn is an everyday, many times per day experience. Tums are my friends. Driving sucks, but I can still do I guess that's good. Cuddling with Emmalee is sometimes physically painful, and I hate to make her get off of me, but I have to. :( My emotions are out of control. I cried today because Andy told me he might be coming home later than usual. Um that's something new...and we need the $, but I'm just so exhausted in the afternoons I just want him HOME! I have many things I'd like to do, but absolutely no energy to do them.
Ready for these next 10wks to fly by. Uneventfully and successfully. Please.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Time is flying!
I'm 26 weeks along now! My next appointment is next Friday. I'll try and be better about updating progress since it's going to go by really fast these next several weeks.
My last appoinment was 2 weeks ago today, and it was a week earlier than scheduled because I was having some pains that were new, and was concerned so they wanted to see me. I was 24 weeks. The babies were each 1.5lbs and doing very well. There was no change in my cervix! There was nothing wrong other than me just being more uncomfortable and feeling growing pains. I've started to get used to these now.
Babies are all very active all over. It feels quite similar to having just one baby in there, just more often because there are more in there, and might be in one spot and then in a completely different spot seconds later.
I am very anxious about making it as far as possible. I cannot wait to hit that 32 week mark. Once I hit that I'll be able to rest a little bit easier, and just try to stay pregnant until full term! My 1hr glucose test is next week, and we'll see how it goes this time. I'm really hoping I pass and don't have to do that 3 hour one again. It will be way way way more uncomfortable sitting there NOW!!
My parents and in-laws are throwing the triplets a baby shower and that will be next Saturday! So I'll post about my appointment then, and share about the shower!
My last appoinment was 2 weeks ago today, and it was a week earlier than scheduled because I was having some pains that were new, and was concerned so they wanted to see me. I was 24 weeks. The babies were each 1.5lbs and doing very well. There was no change in my cervix! There was nothing wrong other than me just being more uncomfortable and feeling growing pains. I've started to get used to these now.
Babies are all very active all over. It feels quite similar to having just one baby in there, just more often because there are more in there, and might be in one spot and then in a completely different spot seconds later.
I am very anxious about making it as far as possible. I cannot wait to hit that 32 week mark. Once I hit that I'll be able to rest a little bit easier, and just try to stay pregnant until full term! My 1hr glucose test is next week, and we'll see how it goes this time. I'm really hoping I pass and don't have to do that 3 hour one again. It will be way way way more uncomfortable sitting there NOW!!
My parents and in-laws are throwing the triplets a baby shower and that will be next Saturday! So I'll post about my appointment then, and share about the shower!
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Trio is...
2 boys and a girl!!!
April 8th we had our anatomy scan, where they do all the important measurements to determine if the babies are growing and forming correctly. They can usually tell the genders at this scan as well. We found out about Baby A---boy #1 right away. Then the tech skipped to Baby C who was even quicker about showing off his stuff! After a very long hour and a half, Baby B decided to uncross her legs and let us get a peak! The tech couldn't even get all the necessary measurements at this point so I have to return in 2 weeks to have it done again. (fine with me!)
The babies are doing great, as they can tell so far. Each weighs about 8oz, right on track! I am doing well too, other than normal pregnancy aches and pains. Luckily this pregnancy is pretty uneventful, and for that I am grateful!
I have been having knee pain, and got the OK to have an injection (similar to cortizone) to help allivate the pain. I hope this helps! I went to see my PCP and he gave me it, the first nite I had no pain! YAY! As the days continue, it's still sore, but not as bad as before!
We announced to the family with an Easter Egg filled with 3 Hershey Kisses...2 blue and pink! It is so exciting and everyone can't wait to start buying clothes! Neither can I! We actually went to the consignment shop in Henrietta "Once Upon a Child" and found some stuff!!! I can't wait to dress them alike! Rebecca got us 2 boy and a girl Preemie outfits for them to come home in. And Suzanna got them adorable little onsies!
We have share our names: Our little girl will be Lyla Rose Herzog and one of the boys will be Noah Thomas Herzog. We really like the name Owen, but aren't set on that name just yet. We're playing around with other names too at this point.
We have gotten some negative feedback on a couple of our names, but you know what, these are the names we are choosing for OUR children. If you don't like them, keep it to yourself. Either you have children, or may one day, and you can choose their names...these are ours. It's kind of frustrating. But we love the names, otherwise we wouldn't pick them!
Friday, March 11, 2011
14 weeks
Had an appt today @ 14wks. Just a normal visit, which will always include an ultrasound, and then a follow-up with one of the Perinatologists or Nurse Practitioners. I've only met 2 so far, and so far, they're very nice and informative! I LOVE the receptionist, she's soooo nice, and very friendly and understanding. Everytime I leave she says, call me ANYTIME with ANY question. No quesiton is a stupid one when you're pregnant with Triplets! PHEW!
My mother joined Emmalee and I for this visit. She enjoyed seeing the 3 babies in there! They're growing so much! 3, 3 and 4 ounces each, HR in the 150s and 160s! Baby A and B are still consistentely measuring almost exactly the same! (we are hoping these are 2 boys and the other is a girl!) We will be thrilled with whatever genders they are, of course, we just want them to be HEALTHY!
Here's their latest photo shoot!

My mother joined Emmalee and I for this visit. She enjoyed seeing the 3 babies in there! They're growing so much! 3, 3 and 4 ounces each, HR in the 150s and 160s! Baby A and B are still consistentely measuring almost exactly the same! (we are hoping these are 2 boys and the other is a girl!) We will be thrilled with whatever genders they are, of course, we just want them to be HEALTHY!
Here's their latest photo shoot!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1st Peri appointment
Yesterday we went to the Perinatologist, AKA the High-Risk OB, for our first u/s and checkup. Everything is going great thus far, and I really liked the u/s tech, the nurse and the Peri! I will be doing BW tomorrow to get a baseline for them to have to look back on as the weeks progress. With this pregnancy I'm at higher risk for PreE and Gestational Diabetes. So they check sooner, and more often if there is any signs to worry about it. I will be going back in 3 weeks for another appt. At each appt. I will have an u/s and then meet with the nurse and Peri on that day. Each appt they'll see how things are going and decide if they want to see me in another 3 weeks or 2 or even the next week. Lots more visits this time around! But that's okay! I just hope and pray these babies and I stay nice and healthy and they will stay in there til the very last minute possible! 37 weeks would be IDEAL!!! I'd probably be the size of a bus by then, but totally worth it if they're all BIG and healthy and could go home with me right away!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
9 week u/s
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My heart is racing! And so are theirs!
Today we got to see our little Trio again! They're all there, healthy and growing right on! We got to hear their little heartbeats too! It was just amazing!
I am overwhelemed with how real this is! It was such an initial shock, and then as the news settled, we just knew this was meant to be! I was terrified that something was going to be wrong, but nope, they're growing strong!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
BIG surprise!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I am always anxious, but really anxious this time! My first u/s is Thursday, seems like it's taken forever to get here!!! Only 2 more days of waiting! Then we'll see our little raspberry!! I can't wait! Hopefully we can see a flicker and maybe even hear the heartbeat thru the super u/s machine they have at the RE!
I just called up Unity OB/Gyn to see if they're accepting new patients, and they are!! So it'll be nice and close! And we'll deliver at Parkridge! I am also anxious about going to a new doc! Not that every month with Emmalee's pregnancy I didn't see a different person, cuz that's exactly how it was! Here it might be a little nicer, seeing just one or two ppl!!
Emmalee is picking up on the new baby. I'll ask her where the baby is, she'll point to my belly and sometimes even give it a kiss! I can't wait til I actually start showing! That'll be an amazing photo!
I just called up Unity OB/Gyn to see if they're accepting new patients, and they are!! So it'll be nice and close! And we'll deliver at Parkridge! I am also anxious about going to a new doc! Not that every month with Emmalee's pregnancy I didn't see a different person, cuz that's exactly how it was! Here it might be a little nicer, seeing just one or two ppl!!
Emmalee is picking up on the new baby. I'll ask her where the baby is, she'll point to my belly and sometimes even give it a kiss! I can't wait til I actually start showing! That'll be an amazing photo!
Friday, January 7, 2011
It worked!!
I'm pregnant!
We found on on Tuesday Dec 28th, I took a home pregnancy test and I got two pink lines!!! I was shocked! I made Andy stop at the drugstore and bring home a couple more to make sure! When he got home, I took those, all positive! We told our parents and siblings right away that night...went and visited who we could! We put Emmalee in a "BIG SISTER" tshirt and had them take off her coat. It was great!
I had bloodwork Weds to confiorm I was pregnant, came back positive and hCg at a good level-161. So we decided to share with everyone who came to our NYE party on Friday. We put Emmalee in her shirt again and as ppl noticed we shared our joy!
This week I had 2 beta's take, bloodwork on Monday and Wednesday to make sure that my hCg levels are doubling. Monday it was 1197 and Weds it was 3189, more than doubling! So our next step is an ultrasound at 7 weeks to check out the little bean and see if we've got one or more in there! And hopefully we can see the little flickering heart beat!
We are so excited and so blessed that this only took us 4 cycles! Everything with our insurance changing, it couldn't have worked out better, other than being able to just conceive on our own!! I feel so lucky!
So I'm a little over 5 weeks pregnant, our baby is the size of a poppyseed and we are on our journey to becoming a family of 4!!!
We found on on Tuesday Dec 28th, I took a home pregnancy test and I got two pink lines!!! I was shocked! I made Andy stop at the drugstore and bring home a couple more to make sure! When he got home, I took those, all positive! We told our parents and siblings right away that night...went and visited who we could! We put Emmalee in a "BIG SISTER" tshirt and had them take off her coat. It was great!
I had bloodwork Weds to confiorm I was pregnant, came back positive and hCg at a good level-161. So we decided to share with everyone who came to our NYE party on Friday. We put Emmalee in her shirt again and as ppl noticed we shared our joy!
This week I had 2 beta's take, bloodwork on Monday and Wednesday to make sure that my hCg levels are doubling. Monday it was 1197 and Weds it was 3189, more than doubling! So our next step is an ultrasound at 7 weeks to check out the little bean and see if we've got one or more in there! And hopefully we can see the little flickering heart beat!
We are so excited and so blessed that this only took us 4 cycles! Everything with our insurance changing, it couldn't have worked out better, other than being able to just conceive on our own!! I feel so lucky!
So I'm a little over 5 weeks pregnant, our baby is the size of a poppyseed and we are on our journey to becoming a family of 4!!!
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