My last post was back in August of last year. It's now April, and A WHOLE heck of a lot has happened in the past 8 months!
Emmalee turned 3 right after my last post, on August 25th, and she has changed so much! She's a good big sister, even though sometimes it's quite obvious she wishes she had me all to herself still. She started a little preschool class in March and she really loves getting out of the house for a couple hours 2x a week! She is also taking a dance class every Saturday. The class is 3-5 year olds, all girls in her class, and they do a little tap and ballet. It's really good exercise, and she really enjoys it, although she really doesn't seem to be cut out for dancing, just like her mother wasn't! HA! She challenges my patience every single minute, but despite that, she is my favorite 3 year old, and she always makes us laugh!
Owen is just amazing! His vocabulary surprises everyone around him! He's so observant and inquisitive! "What's that?" "Ohh, look at that!" are his favorite phrases to date. He said yesterday as we watched 2 large wild turkeys walking through the yard behind us, "Wow! Look at that! Where'd they go?" (Emmalee kept asking where they went, and he joined in!) His curly hair is hilarious and adorable, and still has a tint of red to it! In January we discovered that Mr. Owen has an anaphylactic allergy to peanuts. Such a life-changing thing it is, to have a food allergy. Checking all the labels, making sure there's not anything in this food that could potentially KILL your child. We watch our little man so closely now, and make sure everyone around him knows not to share food with him.
Lyla is a free-spirit! She flits around the house with one arm leading the way, humming and singing her own tune! She always has a greeting ready, "Hi!" Short and sweet! She recently has started answering me if I ask her; "Lyla, are you sleepy?" "Yes." "Lyla do you want to go to bed?" "Yes." It's really funny, I'll have to try to get it on video! She clings to my side for most of the day, which makes my job a little difficult! It's hard to do the dishes and such when you have a screaming child with snot coming down her face looking at you! So I choose snuggles!
Noah is the personification of ENERGY! He just never stops moving!!! He's here, he's there, he's EVERYWHERE! He loves to climb furniture, and if you're in it, he'll climb you too! He has a whole lot to say, but just doesn't have the words yet. He's got a few of the basics, "Hi" "Bye" and even started saying "All Done!" recently. Once he can talk, he'll be just like Emmalee, never quiet, and always moving!
Life is never dull in our household, that is for sure!
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