I often see pictures of friends with their kids out and about and wish I could get mine out more. It's a problem when I constantly talk myself out of going everywhere. Having three 1 year olds is not-so-manageable on my own. We take walks around the block, and they go great. But packing everyone up to leave the house and be out in a public place with many other people is very intimidating to me!
Today my niece Nicole accompanied us on a trip to the zoo. She's 16 and all of my littles love her, and I knew it'd be a lot easier to have her around to keep her eyes on Emmalee while I pushed the triplets around in the stroller. Everyone loved it! Emmalee loves the zoo, and goes often with Nicole and her mom (Emmalee's Aunt Heather). This was the triplets first time at the zoo! I was worried about that "seeing past the fence" problem I remember Emmalee having her first time at the zoo. Lucky for Owen & Noah, the stroller was a decent height so they could see over most barriers! Lyla, well she's always in her own world, and today was no different. My favorite part was seeing the sea lions. We saw them from above, and I think even Lyla saw them, and then we went into the building below where we can watch them swim. Owen LOVED it!
There were many stops to strap Lyla back into her seat, she's mastered the Houdini escape method! And graham crackers kept the whining at bay. It was quite hot, even at 10am, but they really did well! We even had an early lunch because Emmalee was so hungry from burning all that energy!
I would say this was a successful trip to the zoo, and I even have confidence that I could take them on my own if I wanted to! (They wouldn't be getting out of the stroller at all!)
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