Tuesday, September 29, 2015

True "Alone" Time...

So it's a few weeks into the school year... and I finally, after 4 years, have honest to God real alone time every single weekday! It's what I've been dreaming of for over a year now...probably longer...just having some time ALONE in my house.

Sure it's quiet, I "miss" the kids when they're gone...but no, not really. for a little over 2 hours I am able to come home, do some chores, facebook, read, crochet, and eat whatever I want without sharing or putting it down to get soggy or cold to wait on some one else...it's pretty awesome. I've been spending most of my alone time running around the last couple weeks, I figure once winter is upon us I'll be less inclined to go do errands daily, and will get to spend my 2 hrs cleaning and organizing. Or that's my plan anyway.

School is awesome. The boys are in the same PreK class at the same school as Emmalee (who is in 1st grade!) and they LOVE it. They look forward to going everyday and our daily routine is finally the "norm"! Lyla's got a longer day this year...PreK is still 2.5 hours long, but she goes in early or stays late everyday...so she's still adjusting to the longer day, but she's doing awesome! Emmalee had a rough first couple weeks getting back into the swing of school, and coming home with a good attitude...but I believe it was just exhaustion and emotion all coming together at a hard time of day. She's working on her attitude and I think it'll get better for all of us soon!

For now I'm enjoying this alone time and I think it truly helps me appreciate the kids more, and enjoy the time we spend in the afternoons and as a family when Andy's home in the evenings and weekends. I am planning to volunteer when I can in each of the kids classrooms... after a month or 2 of school PreK might be more willing to have parents, but for now they want them to adjust to the newness of school. Can't argue with that!

It's been a rainy couple days so I feel like it's a good day to curl up on the couch for an hour and watch a show...BB17 is calling my name!!


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