Wednesday, July 29, 2015


So I've made a mistake...and I didn't realize that I probably do this on a daily basis, but I will from now on be more mindful of it, and try to stop making this mistake.

What is this mistake I made? Well I assumed Lyla couldn't do something just because she doesn't do it for me. This is wrong, and now I know that...and I guess I kind of knew that already but I was just being a protective mommy and didn't want too much expected from her.

We were at the triplets' well visit with the Pediatrician. The nurse was conducting all of their measurements and doing hearing/vision screening with each of them. The boys went first, and then it was Lyla's turn. I told the nurse not to bother with the hearing test, and that she wouldn't be able to identify the 3 vision test cards that they showed the boys. The cards were about the size of my hand, white with a black image (and a weird-looking image too, not a friendly picture but similar to those on an actual eye chart) and were a cake with some candles, a horse (with a rider possibly) and a vehicle (the boys called it a truck). At home and in school Lyla can ID mostly animals and some foods and things like flowers and such...I didn't think she'd be able to do this.

Thank goodness for the nurse... she said "let's see what she can do..." She held up the cake and Lyla said "Happy Birthday!" "See Mom," the nurse said, "she's full of surprises!!!" I almost started crying right there. I know, it's sappy and weird to cry at a 4 year old's well visit, but she did something I didn't think she would or could do, and I almost held her back from doing it. I've probably been making this mistake for a long time. She went on and knew what the horse was "horsey!"as well.

She surprises us on a daily basis now, and does things we don't expect, and we rejoice and encourage more!! But there's often times through out the day where we just assume Lyla won't show interest, or be able to do xyz, I have to stop that. I push the other kids to try doing this or that...I should push her too...and always let her try something that I think she can't or won't do, because she is way more in tune with things than she lets on.

I realize I'm not intentionally trying to hold her back but to protect her from anxiety or frustration if she cannot do what is expected of her. A doctor visit, for example, is a very overwhelming thing for her, a lot of waiting and being in small room for all that time, and adding non preferred tasks to that, well I feared it could get difficult. She's way better at working outside her comfort zones than I give her credit for. All I have to say is, I am going to do my best to never hold her back, no matter what I think. She's full of surprises!

Here are the images...the cake and horse from the top line and the vehicle in the middle...they were on individual flash cards that the nurse showed them one at a time. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Goodbye three year olds....

Tonight we put to bed 3 three year olds...what a bittersweet feeling it was. I'm ready for the fun that is FOUR! PreK, learning to write and be a part of the school community, and all the realizations that come with 4 year olds. It's pretty awesome! I'm also ready for the "threenager" stage to be over, though I'm not sure it's quite done YET. They are definitely challenging me at every turn, but they are amazing to watch grow.

Owen is starting to attempt to write his name. He's quick to give up, but with lots of praise and encouragement he can soon see, HE CAN DO IT! He just passed an egg challenge, he tested low positive for an egg allergy way back when, and we've been waiting until he would cooperate to challenge in the office...which means he tasted tiny bits of egg, and more and more over the course of 4 hours to make sure he didn't have an allergic reaction. He didn't react, and he even told me he liked the plain unseasoned egg. So there's hope to add another protein to his diet! Woohoo!

Noah still isn't sure which hand to write with, but he's always will to try anything and everything. He's amazing me with how much more I can understand him now than 6 months ago. He's go so much to say, and he's learning to communicate it more clearly everyday! His energy level is through the roof, I wish I could have an ounce of it, just to make it through the week!! I cannot wait to take him on some new adventures over these next few weeks!

Lyla is amazing. She's talking more, echoing us all the time. Tonight she even initiated conversation with us on a few occasions! It was amazing. She was clearly asking for food she wanted at the table. "I want chicken. Thank you much!" "I want......(she paused to think of what the right word for watermelon was)...gummies." pointing at the watermelon. I told her what it was and dished some out, when that was gone she said, "I want watermelon." (wah-meyon) Outside we have a table that has stone tiles, 2 are broken. She's look at me to get my attention and when she had it, she points to the broken piece and says "Oh no! What happened? It's broken!" WHAT????!!!! I was floored! Yes it is broken I said and she then points to the other piece that was broken and repeated herself. It doesn't mean much to anyone but us...but it's her telling us, she's getting what's going on around her. She is observing way more than we probably give her credit for. I'm guilty of saying "oh well she's not paying attention..." and moving on to the next kid or whatever... but she is paying attention. She's pulling us into her world a little bit at a her pace...on her terms. And Lyla, I'm okay with that.

Phew. It was hard to type all that out through the happy tears. but there it is. My 32 weekers are turing 4 years old tomorrow. They are amazingly smart little people, who overflow our home with love and laughter. I am so lucky to be called "Mom" (or "Daddy" as Lyla calls me most of the time) by these children.

Here's to another great year ahead! FOUR

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to you all!

Today is a fun day about celebrating the birth of our nation, with lots of family, food and fireworks! The kids have been excited for days about going to see the fireworks at Mimi's house! They're even all napping an hour ahead of schedule so we can be over there before all the other guests arrive!

This holiday for me is about tradition, since we were kids, living on Chiltern Road we've always had a picnic and watched the fireworks from our backyard. It's such a joy to be able to continue this tradition with our family and friends! It also is a trigger for a very exciting and emotional time 4 years ago when we were surprised by the triplets coming a little earlier than hoped. 4 years ago my parents brought my recliner to their house so that I could be comfortable in their backyard, as I was measuring 8 weeks overdue and having constant contractions. Honestly I don't remember much else about that day and I don't even know if anyone has a photo of me in my chair, I don't!

In a couple weeks we'll celebrate Owen, Lyla & Noah's 4th birthday. Holy Cow! It amazes me how my little 4lb babies are 30+lb toddlers in preschool and getting ready for PreK! They are truly amazing little people.

Owen is full of so much excitement to learn and create. He loves to tell us what's going on around us and the excitement in his eyes when he's telling you something really important to him is just captivating!

Noah is working so hard at this bathroom thing, anyone who comes to our door, or who he comes across in his "travels" the first thing he says (after "Hi, I'm Noah Thomas.") is "I went pee on the potty!!!" We're excited to see how he does in school, he is such a little social butterfly, he'll enjoy it so much!

Lyla is starting her summer session at Stepping Stones Learning Center on Monday. She's had a little over a week off at home, with less structure and I think she'll be ready to return to her schedule come Monday. We are so proud of how far she's come. The little things keep adding up, she's playing more with her siblings and peers. And she's using appropriate language more often too! Just today while I was putting her down for nap, she was getting settled but was looking around in her bed for something. I asked "What are you looking for?" She answered "A fish." and under me I pulled out a stuffed fish and she said "Yay! There it is!" Woah. I was floored. These types of interchanges with her a very few and far between, but they're emerging and we celebrate every time they do occur!! She's consistently our little echo...echoing everyone around her. (so watch what you say!)

Not long off will be Emmalee's 6th birthday and 1st grade!! She's doing so well in school and she's becoming a great helper and teacher to her siblings.

This Independence Day we're celebrating not only our nation, but the independence of each of our children, how far they've come and how they're learning to do so many things on their own!!