Happy Independence Day to you all!
Today is a fun day about celebrating the birth of our nation, with lots of family, food and fireworks! The kids have been excited for days about going to see the fireworks at Mimi's house! They're even all napping an hour ahead of schedule so we can be over there before all the other guests arrive!
This holiday for me is about tradition, since we were kids, living on Chiltern Road we've always had a picnic and watched the fireworks from our backyard. It's such a joy to be able to continue this tradition with our family and friends! It also is a trigger for a very exciting and emotional time 4 years ago when we were surprised by the triplets coming a little earlier than hoped. 4 years ago my parents brought my recliner to their house so that I could be comfortable in their backyard, as I was measuring 8 weeks overdue and having constant contractions. Honestly I don't remember much else about that day and I don't even know if anyone has a photo of me in my chair, I don't!
In a couple weeks we'll celebrate Owen, Lyla & Noah's 4th birthday. Holy Cow! It amazes me how my little 4lb babies are 30+lb toddlers in preschool and getting ready for PreK! They are truly amazing little people.
Owen is full of so much excitement to learn and create. He loves to tell us what's going on around us and the excitement in his eyes when he's telling you something really important to him is just captivating!
Noah is working so hard at this bathroom thing, anyone who comes to our door, or who he comes across in his "travels" the first thing he says (after "Hi, I'm Noah Thomas.") is "I went pee on the potty!!!" We're excited to see how he does in school, he is such a little social butterfly, he'll enjoy it so much!
Lyla is starting her summer session at Stepping Stones Learning Center on Monday. She's had a little over a week off at home, with less structure and I think she'll be ready to return to her schedule come Monday. We are so proud of how far she's come. The little things keep adding up, she's playing more with her siblings and peers. And she's using appropriate language more often too! Just today while I was putting her down for nap, she was getting settled but was looking around in her bed for something. I asked "What are you looking for?" She answered "A fish." and under me I pulled out a stuffed fish and she said "Yay! There it is!" Woah. I was floored. These types of interchanges with her a very few and far between, but they're emerging and we celebrate every time they do occur!! She's consistently our little echo...echoing everyone around her. (so watch what you say!)
Not long off will be Emmalee's 6th birthday and 1st grade!! She's doing so well in school and she's becoming a great helper and teacher to her siblings.
This Independence Day we're celebrating not only our nation, but the independence of each of our children, how far they've come and how they're learning to do so many things on their own!!
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